CHAp . cöoters-, ‘and the tv’hole beans picked 'from the bruifed,
, XXIX-, which iaft aré xxmfrftned in- thektrioriy # fhéy- ar&ïfiriMly
put into eafks ar barrels, of about three or four hundred
height feachytorexpoftatioh.
Tfhall only farther obferve,* that in Surinam forrie coffee
plantation's ‘ pfoditee ^above' 150,060 pounds h e ig h t per
rind that/as‘1 have ^h^dytöéÉ?foiiië3pha^hë;yfei^
before our arrival no lèfs was exported tri'Athfterdkm
alone than 12,267,134 pounds of^this “Valuable article, the
prices o f which have flu&uaterf, from thtèé^pence half-;
penny to eighteen'pènce5; but which', Calculated i t the
average price o f eight-peri crifralfpenHy, producdS'E- yearly
income of riot lefs than 400,000 pbhrids Rerlin^- ifwMch
is no defpicable revenue) befides'what goes to Rotterdam
and Zealand. 1
This is fufficient to proWéWftat thefcriMVafiën o f coffee
is highly worthy the attention o f die planters :V and as
for the' virtues o f this excellent berry, without entering
into particulars, 1 will only refer thé reader to that highly-
approved pamphlet, entitled “ A Treatife cbrieefairig the
u Properties and Effects o f Coffee ; by Benjamin Mofefyy
“ M. D. Author o f Obfervations on the Dyfenter y o f the
v Weft Indies;” from which Icarinot refill the temptation
- of extracting the following paffage Bisteen fays, coffee
“ comforts the head and heart, and helps digéftibn.
** Dodtor Willis fays, being daily drunk, it wonderfully
“ clears and enlivens each part of the foul, and difperfes
7 all the clouds of every function. ; The celebrated
, -4. b Doftac
u DoCtor Harvey ufed it ofteb* Valtaire lived almoft en-
4« tirely on i t ; and the tearnèd arid fedentafy of every
«country: have recourfe to it to refrefh the'brain, op-
u preflfed fey ftudy and contemplation
With the above dêfefiption I ltiuft conclude the obfer-
vations which'ï haveheën able to make’hh Féêh'óf the
vegetable ^productions’h f this \erildri‘y,,;'^ ;have: offered
thenri^@i4 <ribayexamination. But fb- abundanfis- the
variety, and-fd/extraordiriary the properties^«? the "trees,
plants*,1 roots, See. hy’ïar rhè greater
number are as ^et perfectly unknb-Wn to the'oldeft inhabitants
o f this fettlement, and to kll bèflcfes.' 1
- A few years agd a Count 'G e n t - e lf y , an ingenious' nó’ble-
man, travelled through the defasrts%f Guiana MthTomd
Indians, arid had acquired confidérabie kriDWlèdgé in this
his favourite ftudy. -But alasi his'ddbbrirS, Which prö-
mifed fair to be of material beriêfrt td tfie^1k>$iïhc éo-
ciety, and to mankind in gènersfly were interrupted 'fe^ a
lever, which, owing to his exceffivê fati^u^ hë'dtoght at
the River Oorrentirie, irid tóuffiiÖf iéff In the thklft o f 'Mi.
tafeful and entertaining rèfeamheliS!'
Having nowr'eoncluded my acctmnt o f the different
pre$fjCtion$o# rhè Colony, particularly^oitcwr,
eao, indigd, and cbffee, to 'which- it i s indebted Tdr its
rkhes'7 and having riwcé mdre rèpeatéd that thri dife'r'erit
trees, : fhrubs,: plants,1 roots, gu ih v and Wre
equally as innurrierable as theyrirê ex c e l lent I earinot
have a fairer opportunity,of fulfilling my próVüife'' óf