it has two fpouting holes, and prominent eyes, which it c h a p.
can turn in every direction, and befpeak the malignity .
o f its alh-de^ouring, nature; neatly under thefe are its
mouth and throat, o f fuch ah enormous fize, that it will
fwallow a bull-dog :• its teeth, which are placed in five or
fix' rows, are fo fharp and ftrong,’ that they will fnap off a
man’s arm or his leg with eafe, which has very frequently
happened. The whole ihape of this fifli is in every re-
fpebt like that o f the dbg-fifh, found in the North Seas,
with very firoog fin^óffe dorfal, two* ventral, and two
abdominal : the tail isbifureated, the Upper part being
longhft; the ikin is ilimy, rough, and ufed for what we
call fidgfeen. The Ihark always fwims with velocity,
but muft'turn upon hs fide to take its prey, by which
many fifheicape its jaws5.-
The remora, or fucking-fifli, is frequently found flicking
to fharksj>. arid to fhip’s; bottoms: this fifii is afh-cöloured,
and long,-.al>óut twenty inches; the body roundifh, and
tapering near the tail; the fins are placed as thofe o f the
Ihark, and the under Ikin is projecting; its fucker is, however,
what makes ft moff remarkable, being an oval griftly
plate above its head, with tranfverfe bars, like the palate
of a fheep. This fucker has fo much attraction, that no
waves, however violent, can beat k off.— (Fb?; both fbefe
fjbes-y fe e the Plate annexed.)
T h epilot-Jlfb ought here alfo to be noticed: this is final],
with brilliant colours, and is faid not only to feed upon
Vol. II. 3D the