I s__ m .................................................................... g _________
me oh -thèsSfeacES tb my* uf tér furpfize and mortification, c h a p .
I knew Fourgeoud'had fwore that he fliould « dance juft , XVL ,
“ -as much'tb'his pipës'hs the ycmngeft enfi^n in the re-
“ girnènt ;”>rind'-ih that he'was5 perfectly ' right: I there-
fOre-ftrertuOufty fupporieci:th^%mef^a^ainft his. antago-
>nift, and fèttmg off immediktfel!^w-itBanot-her j boat, food
öfèrtoök him, to kis*ïaftoniflimeht, when we all went
»fhbre’h f fie f plantation T-offeriburgh, in the’river Come-
> in a .- * 'T h ^ d ^ vd%W^lame-'tó'the-eftaté Arentruft, •
having paffedfhe heavyharges that’dejp’arted'from Paramaribo
on the 5th ;'*ah:d on thé ioth we"rhade the Hope,
where havingTpent fo-many rnorith's/ fh e fe prefent the
reader with a- view o f thaf'eftate^and o f the eftate Cfa-
renbeek, where ftill öur hofpitWji%ykèpt,' 'This day Co?
lonel -Fourgeoud alfo came up «the river, and flept at
On the n th , we arrived at the plantation Crawaffibo,
where we palled the night. HéVê the oveffeer, a; Mr.
De-Bruyn, was'fb very impertinent, tha^’asT .already had
no abundance of afietftion for the fraternity of bverfeers,
I gave" him fuch a^ïïhïnd beating that, with a ;bloody
’face, he fuddenly ^ebamped; from the eftate in a fmafl
c&noe with öhe' negro, '-and in' this trim, at twelve
o’clock at night, like Banquo the ghoft, -appeared before
the amazed Fourgè’óud’; who thought proper to give
him no > other confolafion than ’-to' difmifs him- with a
hearty curfe.
On the i2th we amved^Iafe^at Magdehbetg,? v iz,
• 3 Fóurgeoud,