prevent thepoffeflbrs o f the colony from making fuch
difcoveribs;,; ^s might perhaps‘reward their labour with
very confiderablericbes,!'
If, 'as; I have juft mentioned, cruelties were become lefs
common-in the rivers by the rebels, barbarities ftill continued
in a IhockiUtg^degree in the metropolis^ where
my ears were deafened .with the clahgibf fhfe whip, and
the fhrieksj -.ef'the !negrde'S;.^ 'Among-'the moft eminent
o f thefe^yrantswas-a Mifs Sp— n, who lived next' door
to,1 Mr. de' Graay,.and who -I law with horror from my
windowtlgive orders that':a ;yoUngr black woman ihould
% principally adrofsr the breafts, at which Vfbfe
feemedfto’^n|oy peculiar dafisfabjtion. To diffipate the im-
preflipnj'this' .icene;had left bn my mind, I got into a-
whilkeyj, and-’rode;out; when the firft: thing I fiw was-
a negro .'girl fall naked from a garret window bn a heap o f
broken; feiptf-le^i^this1 was indeed an'accident, but fhe was
fo mangled» though not dead, that Ihe exhibited a fpebfca-
ele nearly as wretched as. thb other.— Curling my unlucky
fate, I tupned the hoirfes, and drove to the beach, as the
only place to-avoid every fcene o f cruelty and mifery; but
here I had the mortification to fee two Philadelphia failors
(while they were fighting on the forecaftle of their veflel)
both fall over the fhip’s how into the ftream, where they
funk, and were ,no more feen. On board another American
brig, I difeovered a little tar defending, himfelf from,
the crofs-trees with a Ratchet, againft a ferjeant and four
armed men, for a con.fidera.ble time ;r till they threatening