M A R‘R A:'T I V £ O F A N
\G H a p. -till the year 1782, When the Emperor of Germany haVang
retaken (the bwqAm'lxmm fromthe States* p f Holland,
“General .Sluart’smgiment was thefalf that evacuated the
>:dity frf N&mm troops
marched in tp take polfoffipn; after which the Emperor
..ordered, in the, year 1783,. ah the fortifications-jto he dp-
molifhed. Soon after this, the Scotch brigade,*hepri-
vate$ pfo which how csnhfted o f ;ah nations, was nafnfS-
lixed by the States; Qf;Hptoud>;that is, .fonned dnfo
Dutch regiments, on account o f the war with Great Britain;
and this cireumftanee.induced myfolf and moft of
the principal offieers immediately to refign—as W§ refufed
to ferve againft onr King and Country.
Havingthus left-the Jtetcfoferv&e, on which day»: %
the Prince of Grange, I was complimented with the rank
n f lieMtenmt-mlmd, the .ahoy#jg«itiemeniw©ut fo Ei^-
land,, where, inn cojrfeq-uence o f their};loy^ty,rthny wefe
taken under his Britannic Majefty’s;protej&ion; „ ands
on the 18th o f June,* eleven, o f them» o f • which number
1 was fo happy to make one, were, by General Conway,
introduced at 8t.; JamCa’s^ where we had the honour to
kifs his. Majefty’s hand.
On the 47th o f the fame month, the half-pay was voted
for them all by the Britifh Houfe pf Commons, accord*
ing to the rank in which each; individual had u^Uf/ly
Served while abroad *.— But, that the reader may have
, * T h e above gentlemen, who were vival of that old anA honourable cor£S in
looked upon as being-the rea l reprefenta- Britain,,which was fince «-.embodied un-
twes of hisJUaiefty’? Scotch brigade, harf der the command of. .General Frawiif,
their loyalty further rewarded by the re- Dundas, and'lent to garriifon G ibraltar,
E X P E D I T p f » T Ö m p f I N AM . 399,
fame;idea? of wKat/is meant* by the ScoTCH' Brigade, c h a p.,
and of whaihhéy formerly confiftfed,. I will beg leave tö x x x *
infètt th&fobOWing?particulars:; xis
* 1 > *®' In f570 this aflbiëririeórps firft landed in Holland, a#
^'iudëpendëo-t t compaiMé&V’ commanded by fome o f the
&rft“'noble®en in
: theltydar Jtheir gtllant bebavi&tp:» -fogechef
«. with the Ettglffti, at the battle of Remmat, near Mecfr-^
fjtnpi is mentioned particularly ^yp^tradai::
»0« In 1579U #a& fOTprifed,£tahö,5 thè Spaniftr and
^WaUoohnguards taken priifonefs by Colonel Balfour,-,
t« with his'regiment alonfei N
« In 1588, ;at the memorablfe blockade a i Bvrgïn±èp*-
w Z&orii: bybthe Prince o f Parmaj th& Scots;/? under, the
« eommaft'd- of General- Balfour and?Golbabl 'Sü&tP, made
m aj'fpitié;' arfd? dêaiolifked: tbè gnë^teft part -Of the ^pahiffei
« lines, byjwhich the enemy were forced to break up-the
“ #kh confidèrablè lofe o f men and; ammunition*.
} tï; ïh'-'i^9©i attbesliegePi! -Zü^hm^DemMerfMitp^iiêfU
«iatid-i?^,-their bravery? is well known.
“ In Ï593? the y ; ftiared 'fo- imuch f offthe .glory* at the
«? taking hf GzrirudeAbergi . that both iGeneral Balfour
“ and his regiment were highiy diftinguiflied by Educe
V Maurice.:- The general he madê?gövetöötetQ- command
“ the garrifon, ihftead of his brother Prince Henry", and
u‘ the regimenthe appointed,. as the moftfpirited corps,, ,
« to defehd it,/