è H À À. pMëëî^-dn the âhnèxed pïate cpaf fee ffeen tfee JtntMU
, XXI ’ ._> o t jwâè-àppej With the tnu& alid water^mèlôtî, befidétî
the feed frbm which this laïfeis phodxîtèd*1
■ I fèWt about this péfiod, to ËÉi§ R^gërîto&û ife ÉoBând,
à-inôft elegant; cbüeétion o f Surinam- bùttkPfik$y. which
àrè hérecàugftt in greatabundancé àndvâriety, âhd by
which alone feme people make no fmali ptofit ; but the
very id^ of pittning thettt aflye to a fifeet o f paper, was
fufficient-th pte^èhl Afe-ftdm fetecômin'g a fly-catcher :
*f Lol the poor beetle-that we tread upon-— ■
• " Feels a like pangj as when s giant-feUs. ’ ’
Now^Gaptains Van Geunck andKRredericy, .with Serjeant
Fowler, were feht oh an embafly to thef^wc« and
Kdrameca free negroes, i f polffble to'procure their,|af-
fiftance agaihft the rebel V whfeh. they, alwaysjcohtinued
to promifepwhile Colonel Fourgeoud gave them pfefentsl
but never^ yet performed. A few o f the other officers
Hill flayed with us gallanting at .Paramaribo, amongft
whom were ^lajor Idecler. and Captain Ifferumet*, whp
had both .^ee^ iwith General. Defalve’s regimentjdn the
colony Berbtcgy and previous to that the fir ft in ! the
Prufliap. fe.rvice. it was no fmali change o f ^appearance
* T h e latter - gentl eman, in the year
1783, failed from the Tex e l to the Molucca
iflands; where,.as commander in
■ chief, he -Billed ‘the.'king 'of Porigu'e, With
ids thfee Jfons, .and 600 men j .and dethroned
alfo/the fcing'‘ra ■'S<ahrig6o-) whofe
land- he captured ïbr Hhe "Dutoh Eaft-In-
dia Company, hefides .taking iay^iiece*
of cânnon, &te
Ph/fr/r P/f