5°4 N A R R A T l V E OF ‘A N
C H a p. th® nlant: in this fituatidh the' liquor ik drawn off into
, XXVII\ another tub, which is fomething !efs, when the remainin
g trafli is |&reMly .jpifcked up and thrown away ;..and
"the very noxious fmefh'of this refufe it is thafomcafions
the pdeuliar linhealthinels which is- always incident to
this bufinefe. Being, now in theHTecond tub, the math is
agitated * by paddles' adapted for the piirpofe, \ till by a
ikilfui maceration all the grain fi^aratesfeom|jhe water,
the firft linking like orad to the bottom, while the hatter
appears clear and-tranfparent on theitirface: this water,
being eafefblly ^removed' till nearlthe colouredomafsj the
remaining Iiqudit? is drawn off into a. third tub, to let
what indig© it «lay contain abb fettle in.'the‘bottom ;
after which, the laft drops o f water, here bein^ialfo Jre-
moved^^ei^dimerit or indigo is put into..proper.^efiels
to ‘ where being -diverted of its laft remaining moif-
ture/ and formed-'ifito finafi, rophd, andfofelong iiquate
pieces, 3j| is become a beautiful dark blue,and fit for ex-
pdrfcation'. f The heft indigo ought tp.be light,; hard* and
fparkKng. r In Surinam but little.of.it is cuj&yated,;fpr
what reafon I know not, fimr^one pdund is;. JplcPfbr
about four florins, which is about fevfeji Ihillings ih-ljer-
It is faid this article wasifirft introduced by one
D'ejtfades, who called himfelf a French officer,, and
muft have brought it from the ifland of St,-Domingo
very lately, fince I ntyielf ‘ v^thlthis'
poor fellow, who fince iho.t himfelf through the-head
with a piftol at Demerary.-—As the circumftances o f his