E X P E D I T I O N T O S U R I N A M . 355
talk wit-h ardoug* who having flrft filled c H A P.
their • baikets,- want-only, ru.n naked, and play amongft the . XXIX‘,
luxuriant foliage. :
I will now conduct,them befpre the oyerfeer’s prefence*
where, all the b^lket^ ^einginfpe&ed, the flogging comimpartial
feverity on
all who have [not fulfilled then, talks,whether frprp idlenefs
or incapacity,. This £ cere mop y^cqneiuded, the ferries are
carried, home into the bmifing^qdgHj ancl the flaves return
home to, .their h,oufes% The berries being bruifed in
%5m&/4^£k3fc:P^PPfe> in the.jjh^.ve lodge,-to feparate
the.kernelst.frpm. the, hw|ks, jQr, pulpY Pubhanpe, they are
next fteeped in water one night to qleanfe them, and then
fpread ohihe drying-floor, which is. expofed to the open
air, and is conftrudted o f flat ftones; after ,whic\ they
toy e* thern
evaporate, and .$ry, internally, during which time they
mnft be twned o v e p ew ^ day with- wooden lhovels|
this done, they are oiiee niqre dried, in 1 ,ooolers or
drawers*, that ru n ^ fily on rollers in and out of the windows,'
to prevent them from being overtaken by fhowers
of rain t -then they are put into, 'vyood^i mortals, and
beaten by candle-light with heavy wooden .pefllfs, like
the rice at Gado-Saby, todivefljthem of a thin cqat or
pellicle that unites the two -kernels in^the pulp. At this
exercife the negroes .wonderfully keep- titpe, and alway?
fing a chorus. Being, next Separated from the chaff
through a bvint-mill, once, more thoroughly dried qn the
Z z 2 ’ eoQlers,