c h a p . ere&, vigorous, a&ive, voting, and healthy, which
XXIV. I m H H 9 H H J .; I .. m — - 9|g§ • |
. _ _' » convinced-me that when the body is , expofedj as it
certainly was ordained-by nature, the face is but little
« — — -------------- Such as Arcadian fong
c< Tranfmits from ancient uncorruptecf Time j
, “ When tyrant Cuftom had not lhacTded Man,
? “ But free to follow Nature was the mode.”
In her features was difplayed that beautiful fimplieity,
that native unfufpedting innocence, which cannot be put
on. where there, is the flighted; confcioufne^-of guilt. Nor
is the oliveTcolour incompatible'with beauty, it is certainly
the ftandard complexion o f the human race, while the
black and white are fuppofed to be only; gradations,; produced
probably by the'extremespf heatand, pold. this
Indian girl was perfefldy handfome^ fq Ihe feerp^d^to.be
.perfectly happy. — % Happinefs,” as the-., Abbe Reynal
wifely obferves, “ is -more frequently found in a pure flat©
« o f nature, than in that of the moft
Tq hefure an.European wopaan would blufli .tp lp.£rfin-,
gers ends at the very idea‘o f appearing publicly jftarfl
naked; but education and prejudice^ace. every..thing,
flnce, it i^ an axiom?,that where there is 110 feeling of
felf-reproach, ther;e can afluredly be no, fliame.^, .
I remember to haveieen an Indian yquth, whofe name
was WeekU, at Eergen-op-Zoom, where he was brought
over from the colony Berbie£ with ‘General ’D^A)|j Whp
«loathed and partly civilized him: amongfl other things,
TrousaM/ar vm