compared them. with the Sdifeafed and ulcerated ftiahks
o f my ghaftly-looking companions;
On the 12th, the- frelh. fupply of llaves being arrived,
the rieceflary preparations , were; made .to.ipurfue., the
rebels the next day, diretSbing our firft courfe towards the
fpot formerly called Jerufalem, mentioned in 1773, when
I commanded the fatal expedition iuMpper Cottica ;j£nd
on the 13th,
us* by water to, Jerufalem, Idfoorted; by the lick officers;
and privates* we at laft decamped to follow them,, and
bidding ;a final farewell ’to iBarbacoeba,. re-entered.; the
woods, ma r c h i n g a n d . S . ^ thej whpJo,day^thenipfd?id
the night on the oppofite bank o f J the iCafliporeg: ;Qre.ek,.
where we encamped.
Nothing could be more diabolically Cruel, Thain th<*-
perfeciition of the pew Haves during 'this,.- hiarchi;, got)
only overloaded and ; ftarved, b u t beat ; like, i mu}e§ j.or
afles by every ill-tempered individual r - io r ;yinftanc%: I-
faw Fourgeoud’s black favourite, Goufary,;knock down a
poor negro flave for not taking up his load^-and^the
chief himfelf knock him down for taking it up,h><? fQQti j
when the wretch, not knowing what to do, exclaimed* in
hopes of p ity ,“ O maffera Jefus Chrijius. /” and was asStually,
knocked 1 down a third .time b y an enthufiaft, for daring,
to utter a name with which he was fo little acquainted.- r
During the laft day’s march, a large,drove o f Warr&.
hogs or wild boars broke through our line; feveral o f
them were cut down by our i^bxe$> and ^abt^ed ,|f|th..
the’ bayonets, the 'men'having orders 'from the commander
in -chief firei at any game whatever.
The animals that-Were, killed were cut in?pieces,-and distributed
among-the! .troops, which proved, thniwgh .finally
a Very feafqnabtef’dainty; Ij is-certainly very remarkable,
that if-the firft wild boar or deader’ pafies through any
danger, all the oth^s] ftupjdly|follpw,, in hopes o f 3
limilar elc'ape, which on Iquently
ptfoyes-the caufe' of theif^deftrudlion:
Puithje 14th ,We -marched *S. W . till about* noon, and-
arriyed;aj:; Jtlnafafem, which; the van had reached about
an;h'©UP ihefore all.,cthorou^ilyffoaked with mud and
heavy -?raib sj'and- leyeral meniunhiappjly with ruptures
in; the groin,
ftHne;s,;§cc-, , Here juft 'arrived,s ^ift&u^it^in^itoGfny
aftonilhment,' the - identicAloI^r, j| with, ope, hundred
frefh rangers: * he hadilheafdi' -if JtetfSc'cPft
Rebels palling Upper Cottica, - and had "been prevailed
upon to refume 'his corriiSi&nd by thfe'^governdr; thus
h#how bnce
geoud, who* WasxV#^na^»y rIcclpi lt.3
• Here, our camp being moftly dvergfown With long coarfe
grafs, one of the Haves was unfortunately bitten in the
foot b y a fmall fei pent, called- in Suiinam the * Qr.c$$
f f c ^ a k e ^ f i r o m . its colour, .-which, refeijnbles an owl.,
* 'This> 1 apprehend, is the friake11killed a nejgro in lefs than five' -minutes '
whidtf Dr. 'Bahcroft calls> the ?fmallLa. when' he fwas at D'emerara, ,
bor^ahdjyljich hyn^nfions. as .'hamffigf
C f i A P *