E X P E D I T I O W T O' Mm R I N AM.
form tbjshead and tail £b match fefembleeach other, that CHIP.
ClW ^error ds'kciióil: ?pkdanabfe:;-rbefi<les which, the. eyes
are nearly impeiscepri'bieiif'This is the fnake which, be-
ing-fupp'óïid, blind,band vtilgarly faid tt> be fed by the
krg'e «ants> hlfead^’defcftbed, is in this country honoured
with-ihe rrametóöf ^Kin^ief the. Emmets«*.'’y
‘I' Ampn^f; Mr. Rouxl&Jnumeröus .CoBet&ioti of fine btit-
tetfhè^^rselöf a nii&dlte; fiz^I thought peculiarly beautiful*
all its wingsboth above and below, being elegantly
flreaked with, tranfverfe bars of velvet, black,, and a variegated
bright green. The amazing height to which
thb^’ïMeÉprand' thé'great .Velocity with which thbfein^
„fbéls p P make them fo rare, being, for tbefe reafons*
(but very feMpiiiÜraiugbt. T h e c^ i$ iH a^ ;iiia f^ g id 5n5>r'
and all I covered- over with hard .feelers, not unlike fea-.
thefs.— FoF a better idea of the «above fnakes, and this
fly, fee the -plate' annexed,' where the laft was. improved
from Madam Meri art’s collectiont
I have- jkft faid that- we were ordered to leave the co-
lony, and that all Were overjoyed, with the ne|ws> myfelf
jfexcepted; .But on the 15th, by letters from Holland to
our chief* our returnyias agxm countermanded for ilk
months* My companions were therefore fuddenly caft
down with difappointment,« while I was as fuddenly revived,
and now determined to fave all my pay until Joanna’s
redemption fliould be fully accompliflied: but what
* How Madam Merian fliould call this reptile an oviparous viper, ftupaffes my
. grieved