C H A P.
X X IX .
tempers', of Which, the- leprdfy is r one : arid: that - diforder
i„% as .'alreadiy; ftated, abfol u tely in cur able. Nevdfei
theleft %j[s; ifheHgh - he qould notexaiSkly ^fcertain. it,'
mpRihave: beea.yery\gfeeat,. fince he ufhd-ftT equeiltly to
repeat that h|l||ft£d as drummer, and beat : the' alarm ion
his mafter’s ?eftate, when the-French commodore, ~.Jdeque*
put theiicdlohy: imdereconirihri,tion? iricthe ftear
a ,• two'-iMfeh ji'.'i heihl
IJayiiig;: tahen a .portrait of thiiS J'extraordifeary !many
with his grey head; o f hair, and«drefie4':;ip hi$;bl’ue and;
fcarlet with gold;lace,, 1, in the; ap.^€^ed;plate, beg leavd!
to. introduce, ib'tod'he, reader.
'pFhis. yerys lame. week. wo.li?>d .indeed\ a;vfrefh proof' o f
thp gQpd,effe$£|of Gramman Quaey’s animating’ obias or:
amulets,; a: [ eaptajrr o f t^te,: ra i^ r s i;5h»RlIt|: • 'HafLmbS^
brkaginghn th£ diaybaciud; 'h^ricfS; of Wo.trebel npgroesji
which he;had ^ii^^fh'en&Qunt§faed and ^th^ i ahth^i^e a ^
th.efe hajnds proved /tp, bo that o f ^the tnotedf*t8het jS^ i§^
formerly taken, in 1^74*; and brought to. ^plpnel Fourm
geotid in •, the, fqreft, butj fro pi; whorrr he hati I finegj t Jjafi
time,; though leaded with chain Jpp-nfh mg an s[1 tp run.,
away. .3}«
In retprning tfeevifit? o f pay friends, I paid onerto Mr.
Andrew Ihewed me .the loop and, button .
of his hat, which being diamond,hfd eoft him two hurl« l
dred guineas—fuch is the luxury o f Surinam. Biit even
this is exceeded by the., magnificence of M. dtjdblk.engBr
who, when I waited on him,, he^^iaigQld/frihiffdtw« fo t :
m%<?/.ce6c6rrt fR®