C H A P.
N A R R A T I V E O F . A N
tliefe are ftamped all theircard money,' 8cc.------ But to
; >On the 30th I met. the poor, failpr, Charles Maedoqald,
and having_juft bought thirty gallons -of Grenada rum,
l ^ave him a handfame return for his b^con ham and his
dog, * befi^es a fine cprk-fcrew j(mpther-of-pearl,,fqt in
filver) as a' keep-fake, he being to fail* the day following
forjVirginia, on- board the yBeggy, Captain Lewis, who,
at my recommendation, promifed to make him. his,m,a^e^
As .1 am fpeaking o f dogs, J niuft makp 'two general.remarks,
on thefe animals ‘in Guiana,j'yrs. , that3 h this
quarter o f the world they lofe the faculty, or. at leaft the
habit, o f barking; and it-is known fa‘6t, .that, the native
dogs never bark at all.:» In tlfis^cou^y^^^s-Jobferved
alfo, that dogs are never feized with the hydrophobia, at
leaft I never remember, to have feen or heard of a mad ck)g
in Surinam: and this is the/more Angular, as that, dreadful
diftemper is generally attributed in other countries to the\
intenfe heat o f the funiculares or dog-days, as thaLappel-
lation fufficiently indicates» The Indians or natives of Guiana
all keep dogs, which they nfein hunting ; they are of
a dirty white colour, meagre, and fmall; with Ihqrf,hair,
a fharp mpzzie, and ere<ft ears: all thefe are ye^y dextei.
rous in finding game; b u t . they poflefs, all the mif-
pbievous -qualities of the terrier* i 1 ought not. *0 fprge*
that i f the American dogs do not hark, their howl if very
gpud ; on this account my Virginian dog was fo trouble^
jl fome,
Tome* that he got his brains knocked out by the neighbours
within a fortnight after heiwafi in ray pMdflion.
-c'About fkisi|^rio3tii.feierai jitmvimn families: arrivfed at
Paramaribo, -on -aecotih t ;o£ the war whichforoke out, fbe-
- tw eeh the mother country and -berycolopies. «* For many
“o f rfhfefëT "fé^tyery much*yané muft éverdeclare, that no
■ 'people^ eould have a^bfefter heart Or-'greater friendfllip for
th&p hëd fOiPbae)which they
fhëwëd On many*'different oécsiÖrffisU- -
rni'Crx thét^d'öF Augulfc^ Mr:;dd ^aayT'b^ng arrived in
-town, K^H^^fitiariyTeftlédjaffalfé’ Wfth-Mr. Lolkens,; the
4hf^add^h$ftrötèi‘ oF-Pafifcofett^rg^ Imówthóbgltt-proper
-tOTike tHdfifft bppof¥uait^ofTI?Sifjg raattèf^with him,
By propofingihim to giv^rae’ credit U ïf ï ftiouhf have; it
4 mnyy-ipoWer' tiih: wid th jiojEnna iknd
'öiy-. 'Johhöyhad tÖ^b^^nët^y thyp waferleteémi’neci
to'iave out|éf| roy pay^tfT fhotild ejnfton.bread,
tf<pandiiWatdf i through evèn\then'fhi^tdèht ’ couM hot be
MiÈShar||«l ih-leÖitimëUMhf’tlvOitff thröfe« yëafrs* -Proyf-
rdêOOO^ ho#ëVefrihtéffÉ^d, hhd-at^thiS tëïOöSeSt fépt that
'-UXceHelit-womah, '*Mt%. Godéfroy,'tèrayJ Mffift&nce: fö f rib
^ loon er was lieacquainted rwith-'ih f il?itficuit and krt-Motis
öiWéttfc $ov mé»t<& ëiiie-* wkh' hér, When
■ ;fcê adllreffed^Tfl-e in Ihé following ;terins ?' '
ïlchQWpg'óöd StedmaifiSl thë^pïèfëht fëelihgs Ofyötfr
V heart, land
“ only, Ojto caccomphfh fuch a pufpofe as1 the -comple-
tiohlof your wiïhès. But kno vsq; that- éven'in-Surinam
:xm&L. II. M. ' o, virtue