CH A P. he was afreadyfbipped* Tfeefc|towi©^#ayjn3evQrtbeJefSi,
^xxviii., that j Coukl punifla when things were carried too
fa r ; for feeing a large pieeb of boiled' pork $$&&& ts*o?
pound» weight) flying paft me with gpeajt 'Velocity; apd,
finding it was thrown, by one marine to? mother, while-
they bad got a qparrel) I inftaptly ordered tb^ffik to pick
it up, and (having cut it in. two). I flood over them my-’
felf till they fwallowed every morfel of it ip my prefence*
fand and all, without either bread or d r in kw h i c h they
finee declared was fuch a punifhment as furpafled; my
conception, and they fliould remember-hto the epchof/
their fives*
On the* 23d, I received from town »well-timed fopply?
o f wine and frefh provifions; and the fame day Colonel
Fourgeouch with his detachment, arrived •ftoserthg^Iarar-
wina. During this trip. Our active 'forhm^nder had»
again difcovered and deftroyed fifty-ame^fr®pfe$j& he|ide&
three fields o f provifions. This certainly gave, the finifli-
ing Mow to the rebel negroes, finee, having rioThrther
fupply on this fide the water, they entirely abandoned it,,
and went to fettle in the French colony Cayenne: In this,
hard though neceflary fervice the men. had differed pro-
digioufly, efpecially thofe newly arrived ; numbers of
whom were carried in hammocks bn poles, while near
thirty were left fiek at the Marawina,, and my friend!
Small was at leaft one Acme lighter.
At this time, in the camp hofpital, above one hundreds
were alfo. dangeroufly ilh Nothing was heard but fighs
and the fhriekfog p f fehf$.0rw or^Guiana owl, which for
ever kept them -company/during the difmal flights.
Cramps, fo common in Surinam, alfo infefled thofe that
were able to do dPty; and there reigned a general melancholy
— 1 1 ■ “ The circling Iky,
xc The tride:eidiveniiig air, as full of fate*
“ Afa&jftru&k by ttfirns, in folitary pangs
*'' " They fall, urttended and'Unniourn'd.”
Here one map was to be feen Covered over with bloody
boils from head to foot ; there another led along by two
©f his' Comrades in a deep lethargy, who, in fpite of pinching
and pricking; dofed into eternity;; .a third, iwelfed by
the dropfy, and imploring theifurgeon in vain to tap o ff
the Water- (who generally apfwered that It was too late) was
left to expire by fufiocatiort. In the hofpita! fome were
bhferved ekfping their hands, and;praying aloud to God
fo he relieved;; while -others iay at their fide in a frenzy
fever, tearing their hair, blaspheming Providence, and
cu rin g the day .that they were born .—In fhort, all was
dreadful. beyond de&ri'plion, b y the pen o t a Mtom
" iM 1 n iSad noifome dark,
“ A lazar-houie St feem’d, whefeifl were laid
** Numbers of all, difeas’d : all miladies
^ D f ghaftly ipafm or racking-torture; xjaaftns
' Of heart-fick «gony, aU ferrous kinds,
X x 2 “ Convulfions,