Ira-lefs-than a minute the man’s lêg began to fw d l j When,
he was feizM with ^cï*8d^liiag^|>alös^_aMf^K#Èi f è i Intê:
êöövtMoös. «pae thé
(haké, ffijwfe the fMient & itik lgMl> mixed Witla h a lf ai
haps frösf 'itn«^»9tinö^ tb ^heM hi^: l^tt^V
bui*h£ #tè föoa i^ttitnfed 'wïfh iacteafirig Vièlencë^abd'
he wafr ihftantly feut-l» hi& *iha!Éef’s ptóMötion, where he
expired. That the gall off -adders, 'efthfftéiïfy ' applied*’
is efficacious, Ihavie often heard. In '-the: &jfand''Magar
2inerfor April ï? $ trtaffa^.he^feen/adéöèry-rf^nh'd J/'H**
and dated 04th
application o fg a lh But-thefeinVeMgatlons I ^ 4lft1ea^e
to the learned o f the naedical profeffior^ and önïy^èb*’
feiWe^ in generalj ffi^t ^he fmallfer the. ftiake, at leóftf in
Guiana, the mere fatal the poifon; -as is jh ffifah d beautifully
obferved by Thoaifon:
« ----- But (bill more-direful he
« The fmallj clofe-lurking jpinifter of fafe, .
« Whofe high concofted venom through the; veins j
- ** A rapid lightning darts, arrèfting fwift ,
« The vital current”-———
In this grafly Wildernefs one o f the rangers dfo killed
a fnake, called the whip-fnake, from its refemblance to
that inftrument; it was about five feet long, and not very
much thicker than a fwan’s quid; the .belly white, and
ïh e back a lead colour: concerning its bite, I can fay
E X P E D I T I O N 7 T O S U R I N A M.
r|pf(;hing. I was.yinformed b y the negroes, but I cannot c h a p .
that i t .has the power XXL
ffie laffi " " '
ff. 3f F^fPifFMcJ?!-it fo n?ueh refenables. j,
> i j aJj§? native , an amphibious animal which fame?
o f the. pegrpps. killed this’evening, called by them the
Cabiai^,it^ l ^(fpe^eS|,qf water hqg,-. and about the or-,,
dinary^fiie o f the 'land4 annual* which goes, under
that name; fit' is covered0 with grey iriffies,, and’ armed
with a number o f very ftrong teeth ; it has no tail; on
thole of a duck.
TbSs .anirual, it-i§ faidngbQS; aflaqrd only ; during the nighty
where it feeds on young- graft,: and other vegetables.
I have heen-told it is.good food, but ,njey,er tailed it*
On the 16th, having refted one day ,at this place, Colonel
Fourgeoud detached two flrong parties to reconnoitre,
v iz. Lieutenant Colonel de Borgnesy with 100 men, was
fept to the Wana Greek in .Upper Cormoelibo and go-
lonel.j Seyburg, with an . equal'number, was ordered to
the Creek Pinenburg, in Upper Cottica. The latter returned
about midnight with two canoes, which he had;
found hauled ailiore,. on the oppofite fide of the river a
little below the mouth o f the Claas Creek. This convinced
us.that the rebels were gone weftwardto plunder^
and had brought their .empty canoes down the Claas;
Creek, from the rice country, in order to fend them»
back loaded, with booty from, the eftates they intended .to
/, *T - pillage*. §|