g h A p. Fourgeoud, ^ridiculing him for his embaffy; to the Ötöca
xxvit.^ an(j sercMieca negroes: which gentleman, though he had
no affiftance from the fe•:a f fi e f J l^Ksfwe^^fnd'iibi* troops
now melteddown almóft to nüthimgjneyërtheléfs^fcorrïed
f to keep th o fe th itco u ld Aftand upon theipfeët iïiaótive.
Thus,‘ hiyifig-provided thé-feW ren^iPi-h^pr#a^es‘ with
new cjpathes-Jthe they had received fined 1772)
befides nëw Yaffes, bill-hooks,' k c .‘ lie' fe n fr them all
price more" Up, accompanied only by the fuhalterhsj to
b e‘ encamped at'the mbuth/of the 'Caffipore Creek, in
the upper parts o f the CofticaViyerf the ftan officersiahd
captains being Ordered fodh-to follow : ’artd/on the 7th
w e were treated by bur*commander, for tK è^ ^ f ïmè^ with
a firloip o f good róaft-beeJ^ which, however,'vfasYent him
from Amfterdam,. prepared as Tharè already/ deTcribed.
At thé deficit waS akind o f fruit ^called id^urihandpo?«^-
de canette, or cinn amon-apple: It /grows pn a ihrüb £p
moft gardens /at Paramaribo, ‘ana* has'fpmethi^ ‘tlie ap-
pearance o f a young artichoke,thing covered with ; a kind
. o f green fcales.^The fkiri o f thisfruit ttlMlr am iöeh
thick, and the pulp like clotted creafn miked with "brown
fugar: it is very fweet, but not much efteemed by many
palates, being father too lufeious; the feeds, S^hièh are
black, hard, arid large, are contained in 'the pulp or
creamy fubftahee.
Having now prepared myfelf once more for aótual fer-
yice, and again received a profufion of wine, fpirits, and
. refrefhments of every kind, to carry with me to the
woods, from different friends at Paramaribo; I left my CHAP,
dear mulatto and her boy to the care of that excellent ^xxvn-^
woman Mrs. Godefroy, in order the following day to fet
out on my fe v e n t b campaign, and help, if poffible, to
compleat that bufinefs we had £0 long and fo ardently undertaken,
for the fafety and welfare of this valuable colony,
and its la w fu l inhabitants of every denomination;
while happily my health and my fpirits were at this time
once more juft as vigorous and as ftrong, with all my
limbs as perfectly found, as the very firft day that I land- ,
ed, with Colonel Fourgeoud Mid his regiment of marines,
in t e r r a F irm a ,