n a r r a t i v e o f a n
and warehoufes, which altogether: appear like a fmali village;
The coffee-lodge aloneXometimes cofts fivethoufand
pounds Sterling, andfometimesmore; But tojgive a mom
complete idea o f the whole, apparatus, I muff: refer to the
platey where all the buildings*,.fields» paths;, gardens,
floodgates, , and canalg are marked,, and explained by tfie,
neceffary references. The pla% as exhibited in;this,plat^
is intended to unite at once elegance^ eoh^^enQe^ai^:
Mety- It is elegant, as being perfectly regular; convey
nient, as having every thing at hand and Under .the
planter’s own in^peftion ; and M e , being furroundednby
a broad canal, which by floodgates lets.in the Wat^frefh
flora the river,, befides a draw-bridge, which during th^
night cuts off all communication from without«.
1 Khali now proceed to the planting-ground, which is
divided into large fquare pieces, in each o f which are generally
two thoufand beautiful coffee-trees,, growing &
eight or ten feet diftance from each other.. Thefe trees,
which begin to. hear at about the age o f three years, are
in their prime at fix, and: continue to-produce fruit,till
they are thirty; the manner of Applying them being
from good nurferies, which no coffee eftate is; ever without,
having already mentioned: that they afford , two
crops every, year,, which iSi about Midfumrner. and Chrift-
At the times o f harveff, it is not unpleafing to fee the
negroes picking the crimfon berries among the polifhed
green* where all ages and fexes. are. employed to fulfil their
■ ppgg
SI SB - IfBT %\
Ki. : >
' References
^ D w ellin g H o u se
S lfJ h e Overseers D w ellin g
S ^ fT te lib o k -keepers O ffice
4 -,T h e K itch en
1 5 . T h e Storehouse
6 .T h e Poultry h o u se
7 . T h eH o g s -s ty
8 . T h e T o o t-h o u se o r sm a ll H o ck
9 . T in ' Carpenters Sc Coopers L o d g e
2 0 . T h e D ry in g L o d g e fo r th e Coffee
2 1 . The lir a icin g L o d g e fa r do .
1 2 . T he T feq ro - h ouses
I S .T h e Horse S ta b les
1 4 :T h e F o ld fo r Sheep Sc B u llo c k s
1 5 . T h e Great Guard house
2 6 . T h e Hospital
1 7 . T he Pigeon. -house
1 8 . The Corn-house or Granary
1 9 . The Necessary house?
2 0 . The Sentry Loses for Watchmen
the Plan .
'21. The Floodgates
2 2 .The Gnat Draw-bridge
2 3 .The Landing TIace
24.The~ Great Gauds
2 6 .The Liver or Creek
2 6 . The Gravel walks
2 7 . The D rya y Floor fa r Coffee
2 8 . The F/egro Gardens
2 9 . The Pasture for the Horses
3 0 . The Fasture for the Sheep ScLiifiocks-
3 1 . The Poultry-goad
3 2 .The H ogs-yard
3 3 .The Kitchen Gardens
34-. The Flower do
3 5 . The Plantain Trees
3 6 . The Groves o f Orange Trees
3 7 . The Deans Sc Gutters for Draining
3 8 . The Path to enter the Fields
3 9 . The Bridges over the Gutters
4 0 . The Gates. Barriers. See.
H. tauter &*Upsi2