vered with fhkrp-pointed follicles, .growing lefs as they ap- c 'h a p.
pfoaeh the: furhrnit. This tree has' numerous thick leaves x x v *
4 i;Verging;at: its bafe,Iike the pineapple plant, which are
,4?ery long, broad pointed,: and dentulated with ftrong
•prickfes;." On the tap grows a duller o f yellow flowers,
Avhofp pedicles contain thbleed of future aloes, and which
Jigyerfail to eometp perfedioninthe fpace of two months’.
I© the Ik irts: o f thei furrounding woods I faw alfo the
jaimUtaSy or baniHa, which is a;fhrub that dimbs up along
the trunks o-f: other frees, adhering'to the back like ne-
heeS;or<iy^ri. shy the help of. its tendrils : the leaves are
,prodigioufly thick,'and dark.-gfeeri, the fruit ebhfiltii%
o f a triangular cpdd fix or eight inches lohgj and filled
Iwith fmall polifoeffleedsf Thefc pods, being dried a
Itethight in fheTon^ becoine brown, and have a fat rich
•aromaticftafte, and moll agreeable flavour; on which account
they are iifed to fcent th©’ chocolate. There: are
•different kinds o f - 'vanUla\ but that isr mod efteemed
•Which has its pods the rrioft long and mbft flender. The
negsoeg fliewed me here alfo a fmall fweetifh feed, which
•they "called bongora<
I As ^returned to the Hope, I met Gojo, Joanna’s uncle?,
Who had Ihot one. of bonding "baboons, which he
.brought to the Hopes to Ihew it- me. Thefe animals afe
.the. lize of a fmall bull-dog, and the colour a redelifh-
brown, with long hair;- they have;alfo a beard, and ark
upon the whole extremely ug ly; but what chiefly dif-
iingoiflles them from other monkies is. their abbminablfe
H h | howl,