chap, hardly perceptible; the tail is formed by feven globular
xxvhi., divifions like beads, which .term&mate in a double fting ^
this it bends over its back, to protedb its. young ones front
the attacks, of other infers ;• for to. the creature's, back the
young refort, after being hatched from eggs like pinheads,
in, a fmall weh fpun by the female. The fting of
the land-fcorpion is not accounted fatal, but.oceafionka
violent pain, and throws the patient into a fever: it is laid
they change their fkins, as crabs do their, fhells. The
fcorpioUs generally frequent ©Id trees and old furniture^
and are often found amongft drymbbifh and foded grafs.
Almoft the firft accidents that I faw here was a poor
fellow* a marine, going to bathe in the river, who was
inftantly inapt away by a large altigator. I no fooner
beheld him fink and disappear, than having ftripped, l
actually dived after the poor man, by the help of a long
oar, which a negro held perpendicular under water for
the purpofe, conftantly taking care to keep all my limbs-
in motion. However I found him not, and tugging the'
ear as a fignal to puh it up, the fellow, by mifcomprehefc-
fion, pufhed both it and myfelf down with fueh violence*
that we did. not rife again to the furface till near the
middle of the ftream, which carried down the oar,
while 1 regained the fliore by fwknming and very greats
On the aoth, being now once more ordered to march
on difcovery to Qado-Saby, I fet out at fix o’clock in the
morning, with two fubaltern officers, three ferjeants,
E X P $ B I T ^>0 N , T P a S U R I N A M . 3i 7
f H B S f f l i and .fifty, privates*, befides a furgeon, and ch a p .
riw noted f e qeafo.CfoH%y (w h w w e lQft for three w * — >
or: four haws)-,and «faropfid pear .the bants o f the
fame week, not tapfcg * « 3». & $ § 3dvanc? ahose fi:t
^ifes (\m weft from its, qiouth.
o n the « f t Wf matched nortl> for fifout few»- or eight
miles, without nteWB®,:wtoiRWdJ®P.oE. f ta alleviate
heart of,th6dr,.fcafon,;whi9h this.year was more torching
than t ever recucnit>eved it before.
1 Having now. changed my>fflfoifefo foe nortb-eaftr and
uaffld the quagovfie, about,Boon. the^Uowing- day we
marched dr) through, the late fatal marib, .and an hour
after we kept due weft; when,..falling in * « M ls« e
field o f yams, we demohihed. i t ; then proceedmg forward,
I encamped in . the old rfettlenwnt Cofaay, almoft
choked for want of water,: not having met with any
thing like it from the moment we fat out. Here, however,
the negro Haves found, means, to procure us feme,
Which, though, ftagnaut. and ftinking like a kennel, we
drank, »mining it through our fturt-fleeves.
During this march, 1 neverthelefs took nonce of the
following trees, net yet fieferihed, the —
and the berklack,which are «tremely fitfordomeftreufe
The firft is beautifully ftriped, black and brown, and has
much the appearance of that ufualiy called
it diftufes a fmell in working not mfenor to that o f a
c a L o n . The fecond is apaie red or pink colour, and n