28% N A’ R R A T I V E O F A N
Q H A P. th© funeral rifes a^e quite. ended by ;A fecund feafl, which
i _ — * j flnifhes yrjfkm joyful d#scgj. and fongs .'bj£B®OTy:- and
ptaife of tijfir d^Widgppiited §§ie®d q^? r#latlpb, ,;:
No people can-, m©S© efteem or have a greater: fries d-.
fhip for on#? another than the Q^rqySisvfts $ they- appear:
tqhave nnbopnded enjoyment in each other’s company,
ap^ a|e phf^^ dg£U|utq:ofr Social amufemehts,. fuglhais {the*
which copg gf ip, looAjqg o g^ fite tprsagte otfegJVi
and clapping with their hands upon their iides to-? keep in
time», Sq very eagetjure they at this, animating-,playy in.
which fbmetime]S fix or eight couple- ajrjp engaged! at once*,
that the violent exj5yQiCe;h^yi^"bQ§n knqwn todulljhme
. of the negrpesj, i t j^s ibyhid^tt b y the magiftrates at Paramaribo.
i Awf^eel^, an, inpoeent amufem$f% eonfiftingj
in pitching with a. large kind pf^srhJP^ihude-i^^l 'ofl
. \^h^h theyrvj|e tfj,e aw^^)hlh%hff:l^gqp^hhl^» . •
The naen, alio cudgel and. wrefitle ;: yet at. this-1 thinks
them inferior tp-, either thofWkff ^ef^pwalf ©evom
Moll negroes are. ffcrong and: a$^ve %\, hilt Rimming is
their, favourite diverfipn, wbidbctbey pradtife* eye^y day,
at lead; twice 01* thrice* promifcuoufly, in groupes(<af boys.,
and girls», like the Indians, when both fexesjexhibit afto-
nilhing feats- o f courage, ftrei>gth,;and a6tiyity>. 1 .hay©'
not. only feen , a. negro girl beat, a hardy: youth lb fsfim-
ming acrofs the River- Comewina (while Ij was. one.of the
party) but. on landing challenge him tp run. a*t;wQ mile-
*' Witnefs J a s Jackfonx the equeftrian. rider,, London, &c.
EX P E D I T-I O W T C f S U R I N A M , 2S5
race* and beafc.him'again, haked'as they were;: whald all CU A P.
idea's of lhame .on the one- fide^arad ofinfulfc on.the other,- xxvr-
are’ totally unknown.—I IhkM now fayfofliethirtg of their
inftrumental mafic and* dameihgU I have already rhen-
tioned, the lingingffiid'. the dancing o f thS Lffdftge tribe
in' particular?; and» will now deferibe that ptaiftifed by the
other negro nations in general: '*
Their inilruments- of m'ufifc,;\$hieh'. are not a little ingenious,
are. all ma'de.hy themfelve®, arid’confifl of thofb
reprefented in theJ anrilxqd JTlatfp where
ylffi’j i$ which is called qua-quaf is a hard founding-board,
elevated .on' one fide lik e a boot-jack, on which they beat
time.as ari'adf uni,with two pfeefe'sdfiron,. or tWO'hones»
is the kiemb®-¥tielv0y or hhlow rfeed, which is>
blown, through the nofferifs, like the nafal' ffutB of Ota-:
heite : it has’ but two h®iesy=one at eachodnd, the' one'
feryingf to found it* the othlr^oV be 'touched' by the
- . N* $ is the Anfokko-^dina, which fe;a hard.board; fop-
ported ©n both hdes li-ke a low-feat:, oh which are placed'
fmall blocks of different-&esy which being. ftfuekt:with;
t-Wo 'fmall fldckS- like', a duloimer, giver different ionbds,
that are not at all difagiteeable: f
N° 4, is the great Qreole drum$ being a hollow tree,
open at one end,.-and.c'overed- at- the other with a fheep-1
fkin, on which they and fo beat .-^tiii^^rtlr the
palms of th$ f hands 3 anfwering: the£©i&<ft of-a b^fe-viol
to the qua-qua board<