76 N A R R A T I V E O F' A N
vered to me,hy | Tba'eobrfcof
policy and 'criminal juftice claims the firflf rank: in: the
prefer -of. precedence— this confifts of thirteen members,
chofen by the’ votes;of the: inhabitants, arid each member
eoptiftvtes^tr .HfeJviOf .this-court
and the, commandant on deputy governorfirftcouhfelMr;
The fitting. officers ate therefore ■ 1J
The goye^nor^: §j$
The commandant* ■ *,
The fifcai.-;;'
The town-clerk 'r and t
.; - Nine jeopn^tellorfSrw In
To this court bejongs'the dedfion o f ah.crinainal matters*
the. -g^erneffi. th$, ^go^er p£^gepri££v$'jfr©m
.death, andfeyen pardoning .^ny eonyitt, hy ftfeiowh authority..
. i T h e court o f civif juftfee eonfifts allp- of-thhieen; members,
bth- the|p;§![£' ehofejfc hy the .above court onlyj and
are.renewed, evej$ffour years*- - The-gpvernoris'ahbpre*
fident here, andtheofficers of this court are-
The governor*
T he hfeah ; ,
The town-clerk; and
Ten connfellors./1
B.y this court are decided; pot only the moft important
lawTuits,, but alfo petty offences.
; The nextis the fubajtern college, confiftingof eleven
members, chofen alfo by the governor and court o f policy»
E X P E D I T P O N TO S U-RI N A M. 77
apd^like'the q;thcrr reuewed5every foar years,' the towfr-
clerk excepted, whojfits for life. The members' are felett-
ed from the' late counfehork of jufticef and are
- The deputy jpEefidenfob
. The-town-derkf and;
Nine -’counfellors;.J :
The above court1 fupen'hfehds the public buildings, Afreets,
©range-trees, canah, Sec. and* decides all pecuniary dif-
putes that’ a feJ under twehty-fiVe" guineas; any fum
above which muff be referred-to {fie'court o f juftice.
f ’jBeiides thefe, there is* ah orphan and infolvent debtors
college,' conlifting; of
The comtoiffaneW-4’
The fowh'-cle‘rk;.‘
The book-keeper. •
The treafurer; and:
A fworn fecretary;.
j. The.public revenue office^-are : ;
-* .Them ffi.ee.'of importation and exportation duties*.-
The office of expife and.fmall impofts.
e* T h e office for headrinoney,,or poll-tax. •
The office for public falex.and vendues.-
The office for re-taking negro-deferters, Sec.
But thefe I fhall more amply explain when I.fpeak of-the
•general revenue o f thiS'Colony,.and for the prefent fhall
only confider its- government. L have formerly mentioned
that the? governor is* at : the head mot only of the