N A R R A 1 1 V E Ô F A î î
ex A p. the fatisfa&iön' to fee them- feizé their [arms, -and ruth
xxv., höt with the utmoib order and intrepidity.. This,expen-
ment I was the rather inclined to put1 in .-praéticeyijas ;it
was reported t l ik thé ï^fls'intehtfed^foon to spay kwijlt
to the River Come win a. But we foon experienced* that*
no fcbne .of perfect felicity can he Falling,- fa r the; dry
feafon now fuddenly fettiög^in,' difëafe land mortality
once more heg&h -to -rage among? us,• ten -or twelve men
•dying daily'at the Java Creekhand Magdenhurg,while
thofe- under my command at the ' Hope diminlfhed
hourly. jj
On the 3d, ihé^fur^éon niade nae the tfdllo5Ving> report,
« That my Eiifigm1 Mr. '■ DecaMm's, had his* anehor^al.
« peek, and would certainly let fail for the : other world
*l with the ebb-tide?;* -w-Mch’.was really-the. gate, for he
died., that- very uvehfegdfl theshaoró,
as he had obtained his corn-million through my intereffe,
and bore an excellent-character, t €
On the 4th o f June, the fpring-flood: broke down my
darns while we were drinking .the King’s heakh, arid laid
the whole poft under water, which created vaft eonfu-
fjon ; and in this diftrefs the overfeer Blendermati re-
fufed to lend me any affiftanee,. which occafiohedTq violent
a 'quarrël, that he .. was glad to-take to his;he^l%. ahd
make his efcape from the plantation. Ilhal l . never
have done mentioning the infolence of thefe fa vage
brutes, who moftly are the refufe o f -the earth, brought
up in Germany , dr elfe where, under the cane o f a corporal.
E X P E'D I T I O K, VT Ô S V R I Ü A M. d jf
.ral. <1f Wellf- faid oûé» of thefè Mfereant-s-irohicklly 'to an* c h a p/
old ftf&e riegro,|||*dpriT you bèlievé that the monkies are XXV.- ^
u a racé of damn’d Chriftiahs, whb‘bavé wed fhüs trans- ï
u forte got for fhewit%fffo muèhdënity tojfosçhaS yoü?”J
r^-C4! Ho> fir,1” Replied thie/blackkxfàùkj“ we do tïpnk that*
<( tbe-monkies* are- darOn’d 'fcterifiiânsf but I, and all of us,
“ hëlicve that* rri*a/hy^who cM th|M'féïvéJ|^TOteaÉs‘iâre àf
«da%mM mônjja|^fe— Which pointed repartee
afforded me’ infinite fatîÿfeiote lb
Of thé.,’ ad'mifeiftratOFs I fball & nothinShor-of the*
appraifers of'efetes ; hayiMÿ^’I' béhMe^élreadylme ntiogfed*
that the firfl.gat .teneur m n t.Éof,ail the-gr©Hue,©, and-
m&iy of the latter, enrich the purcbâfèrs^aBd themféîvab
by felling1 jdnder the value fùèh property as! is entrufted»
to, their, caxe. ,,
On t$te _jth, Mr. Mgryn, admimfirat&r of- the Uopeii
being in a piece, o f newly-cultivated ground on-the op-,
polite fhorp, X;^^^pffç:^ui^tain fat-isfedionofthe im-«
pertinent Blenderman, who was 'along) with him ; but.
this-fellow’s cowardice, being equal to his .irtfolence and)
barbarity» he made, dyery. eonceffion, and. promifed like-:
wife to repair my dams, rather Ithan rua the'*rifqùe of,
broken bones— thus a reconciliation was ellablilhed.
Walking through thefe, newfields, where a neat'hioufd;
was already built, I faw feme beautiful birds, amongib
which was the tmoà-peaker. I ought indeed1'to have de-n
fcribed this bird before, and another, the name unknown
to me, having had an opporthnity ofidulngit when I was*
at Magdehbiaiîg, bat I .then took only (fcawings o f them,;
i.Voi.. II. H h The