c h a p . - grieved me very much was the other new® from Europe*
X30y. . - I . Bj .. I ■
»,j — t-* j f^ b tha t $to&r8S<?&($, Brigade had been invited to England
by his BfkannieM^effy, while. I was lamenting that X
could not pofEbly be one o f the number*.* I at the fame
time had the offer o f ah American company under General
Wafhington, but this I refufed without any hefita-*
tion, as may be fuppofed.
In fhort, on the 18th o f February* the poor difpirited
men were again fent up to Magdenburg, a large party
ffiil remaining at the Java Greek ; whilft the temper of
the officers was how ,fo ruffled, that a Mr* Fjber o f our
corps fought no lefs than, two duels in two fecceeding
dayv^angeroufly wounding both his ; antagomifts, who
were both officers o f ffiO'Society regiment.
As I Was; rast yet recovered, I ffaidfome time Aofigef at
Paramaribo, where at the houfe of a Mr. Reynfdofp,!
faw a Portuguefe Jew teaching his children the
religion, while the pious mother o f the charityrhoufe
kept flogging the poor Haves daily, becaufe they were,
as thefaid, unbelievers. Tb one black womw>. ih partis
eular, the wantonly gave four hundred lathes, who bore
them without a complaint.
But to change the difagreeabfe Cubjetff;—-while I have
the leifbre and the opportunity,. I feel the inclination to
flate to. the public a fhort account o f the trade and in-
trinfic value of this blood-fpilling colony $. which flail
* The k in g ’ s demand was negatived by-the States, of Holkad.
might-he richer, did they not follow th e . example of the
* w&ua^ip the fable With her golden eggs* ?
In the firft placfe,- in Surinam are computed to be about
fix or eight hundred pT^tatfoi&J producing fugar, coffee,
cacao, and cotton* betides fame indigo, and valuable timbers,
Sec.— The exportation .pf-which-four articles
only, -and their Value, may "he feen at one view in the
following table for four fucceffiVo^yeSrsv
- V Hi
j, 'y iff it W
1 CA'fA'O. ■ (
;' lbs: ’ of
■ n .ij/b ja 1 4 it5,5"2J ’ 1 2®3>94S ' .
19,26b r; ■.12,267,134.; ,[ jf 9°*°35
$ ‘{£77^';. IS'y74t 15,427,298 332,229. 13^047
‘17741 15,11s 11,016,5 i8 '' ;5c/6J6to r o j , ! ^ .
? .Total- | | £9,606 49,8,46,13:8 2 tj 1,610,595. 534,153.
69,606 barrels o f iug^uyait 6©fforins per' barrel*
k make 1 n ^
49,846^682 lbs. of coffee, at 8 \d. per lb. make -
7,610,5 95 lbs. bf cacao, at 6i-d, per lb. make -
SM^&S.lbs,- of Cotton* at id . per lb. make -
Stim total ‘ 1
Which makes In oiie year exactly
/ -4>T76*36<P ra —
41,154,584 1 7__
2ra$66i 4 —
ƒ.26,097,049 8- 8
6,524,262 7 . a
But this average produce was flapped .off for
the town of Amfterdam only. M
Carried forward - - ƒ. 6,524,262 .7» 2