than I fieri fomê cats in.-England: it" is of a yellow CHAP,
colour, with Email annulated black fpots, which are white . XVI11’ ,
within '5 the belly is-à light* colour ; the ears are black,
. with a 'whifô fpot pri èach ;, the hair'is Emooth, and the
fk in téWery much efteem’etl :' the fhape like that o f the
?fyg‘ey. T h e tygerkcat is V'very lively animal, with its eyes
emitting' flafhes like lightning,; hut féföcious, mif-
chievoms,'and'untameable, like, the reft of the kind.
In Guiana is ftill another of ithis’fpecies, called the ja -
■ yruanettti, of a blackifti .colour, with ftill blacker fpots ;
hut of this laft I ean fay .very little,.' having never feen
•one ;r arid, indeed, fhé mothers, but very feldom. Of the
fugnqr however, and' ti\^tyge.nLcat 'i- I preferit the * reader
with a drawing. All thefeî animals’ have long whilkers,
,-hkeiCQçnmon catÇ; t;heÿ fometirries climb trees, but ge-
mô ambuflx under the - verdure, whence they
hound with iinoorxlmon agility on their helplefs prey;
which having mu'rdërfe(l; -thêy’ drink the blood warm,
and never ceafe'fto-tear 'and devour it till they are gorged1;
but when nodprigeranimateclby hunger they are cowardly,.
arid may . be .put; to flight : by a common fpaniel.
'Of fire -alfo they ate exceedingly afraid, which is the
beft guard to keep them at a diftance, fuch, made
•ufe of every night by the Indiaris in Guiana. More than
rince it has been obferved, that-tygers had entered out
camps for want, of thefe. precautions,: but fortunately
without committing any déprédations.
■ As I now feemed to be .on a friendly intercourfe
H a - with