c h a p , c'ommiffion in the Honourable General Stuart’s regiment,;
XXX which j had left in September 1772; while from th at -
date to this very day; my; fulppay had ji^oni^gd to liftle:
more than fou,r hundred and fifty pou$d$;fterjing, having
regularly been Hopped opt o f this fum: tefi ^pounds per
annum for the putrid beef, .pork, rulb-breadj and hard
peafe, that fo miraculoufly had kept foul and,body together^..
Let me not, however, be confidered as w'ilhing to caft
a reffcffeibn on the Dutch nation in general who indeed
omitted nothing for?eur prefervation and encouragement
during this long and painful ferviee: a. people wbofe:
virtues have been for ages a£ conipicuqus as their valour
*—one man alone was the caufe o f all our. fufferings..'
Having, now exchanged my blue coat for aTcarlet one,,
bought ,a very hahc]fomehor:fe,.and put.QuaCo in a brilliant
livery, I for the laft time entertained my
with whom, without exception* I drank- an everlaltirig
friendlhip: then taking my final faretvdl.Of them all, I
the next morning fet out to rejoin the loldcScoteh regiment,
where I was received with the ftro'ngeft marks of
joy and unfeigned friendlhip by the>cdrpsi h
Going- now to take my leave o f Surinam, after all the
horrors and cruelties wkh which X muft have hurt both
the eye and the heart o f the feeling reader,. I will dole
the fcene with an emblematical picture o f 'fturffptJup~
ported by Africa and America^ accompanied by an ardent
wifh that in the friendly manner as they are reprefented,*
x. they- ) <. ' ////eVYCsf .