E X P E D I T I O N T 0 # W R I N A.M. 99
when" the^wfeole have fhifted their ftatiohs5 and the c H AP.
halfee rnanceaiWe is><sphtinued with the columns C andZ), .. x ■,
.bëgi'nn 1 again with .tüipjtidentical. numbers r, 2, 3,.8ëé.
at the tdpywhi-le thefè lines!) having fluffed their places»
.flail thei firing’ is repeated“' byithe lines, . a n d and thus
• adlrmJifïitÜMï until hy founding’fthe- .born one''of the
.pa'rtie^'igéves rivay ■“ invfli||tï|^;aiïdr the batfte$s?$tf&.' I fliall
■ .Oüly .addj that when,thé^re^i'ösfthic^an|feead<of lying
pn thei||S^llie‘s,ior kneeling, eaeh.negrci fkülks, behind a
thick 'tree'5vwhhhu^ehyeS‘,;hiih ès lib; bulwark, and from
•wliiiGh..he :fires -at* .his:adkerfery I\yith.more -certainty and. .
|efs I danger, ujjually reftiilg.; his .piece-agairaft; ;thj? trunk,
-pr:;in thefarked branchesjf/hke. thes0 ffl&g>neje and Dekt-
é^öT^Indiansi i.i
Sft^aptain *.Harmib|laalfo informed me,/that .the-famous
chlefhfitm^jk'was ifuppofed, tp|S;t}ih^ perfan> amongft the
meighbourmg,.’.f ebelsy ahdfthathe was „born in the foreft
amongll>VJthem, ’ hd^wiüiftandin^| his;,being a mulatto,
which wkspbpountpf ^ his smofh>er]efcaping to the
tlfpods from the ill treatment<of her matter, by ^ whom
fire y^aLS-sthen pregnant. ,
^ 0 a v in g ;frequentlY/-H^en|ioned thg^different fliades#bg-
’Iwpgn a bjttck, and, a. white,,,th e ,fame plate reprefents
them to. the/ readè&at one'„View. From the above two
colours fhe mulatto| is prpduteedhï^Qm tpe mulatto and
bladk, mi^AfamboQ ; > frofin the mulatto "and white, 'the
quaderooKi 8rc. See.—This, fable warrior made" me alfo
acquainted/with, the nameSjUf^Jeveral other rebel’ com- .
O a manders.