CHAP; forwards inftead of backwards, by his orders, the above-
. mifchiefmight have been prevented, and the enterpnze
o f the rebels entirely fruRrated. It was alfo evident from
this narrative, that the man whom we fired at on the
aift was certainly one o f the plunderers on the 20th, and
that the bodies found dead on the 23d had been fliot the*
very fame day.
On the 29th, among other fruits, fome dates w^re fent
to me by a Society officer. This tree is alfo o f the Pal-
meto fpecies, but not extremely“high 5 its^ leaves';dttefge
from its fummit, very thick, hanging down in the form
©f an umbrella. The dates appear kl large eluRer§,. being
an oblong thin fruit like a man’s thumb,, o f a yellow co-
Jour, and the pulp, which is fat, firm, and fw,cet, adheres-
to a hard greyifh-coloured Rone,, with longitudinal furrows.—
I ought not to omit mentioning,, that this day
fixty rangers going to reconnoitre, difcovered the old
rebel camp at the back o f Timotibo, which fcemed to
have contained about fixty armed men..
On the morning o f the 30th o f September, having nothing
more to do in the neighbourhood o f the Pirica River,
we left it, and on the iR o f O&ober came to Devil’s-
Harwar much fatigued, nothing remarkable haying happened
on our march. I had written on the preceding,
day to Colonel Fourgeoud, informing him,, that I-was
weary of exiRence in my prefent Rate, and requeuing,,
that a court-martial might be immediately called; and
this letter I had fent by a Rave to the commander in chief.
* On
On* our arrival at this Ration, I indeed; found every hard cYhYIaTp .
jjpeans. employed;to bring naeto terms; and fuch was the . * .
frvere ufage I ^ptrreneed*|:h?.t on® o f the rangers, called
exclaimed, iff I f in thh manner thefg
H ropeansttreat one another, is it: to be wondered at that
« they ffiould take a pleafure in torturing us poor
« Africans IT p§
,.,fsAt''De;v^Sl itp m j voyage drew
to a concludon,. ‘Colaae! %y;burg was evidently convinced
that he was fytORg, and knowing what muft fol-r
low, nQW pnly wjflipd |or a. liandfpmp opportunity ©f ex-r
tricating frimfelf from the effects o f his unmanly paffiqn,
£)n the 34 of C^Qber, thefefQre, he afked me w i th a
fmUe,“ I f I had a heart to forget and forgive ?’r To which
I Remly anf>vered, “ No repeated the queRion.T-y
I then faid, “ I venerated, froth, and would never confefs
« myfelf inan .e r ro r , unlefs, my heart coincided in the
ii acknowledgmenti—that this was a conceffion I would
«-make to. no man; living,, and leaR o f alj to him.”—-He
here grafped my hand, tagged me to be pacified, and
declared, « That he would make peace on any terms ;’W
hut I again., drew back with contempt,, and decidedly
avowed, « That I could not agree to any compromife, un-
« he owned Hs fault in the prefence o f all the offi-
« cers, with his own hands tearing from his journal every
« fentenee that could reflect upon my character.” The
journals were immediately produced, my arms were returned
me,, and my triumph was attended with every