by a1forked*'hick,.v No-footer has a large filh entered c h a p ,
and taken the bait, than, ,-pqle,la'sdnithef former y- erects .
'itfelif with a faring,' a^d the fn'ajwor trap„vd^or ihuts pa
th ©dnVadef/and hedS thken^as may be fern by letter.JD>
This-differs fFom^hd-forhie^,,' no.di0ok,'of;any kind being
neceflaryi An’ideal of the' ingeng^ty-Of'thntnegEoes -may
be- ifermed' from* thfre* eenftru^tip^^^as^this j mode iof
catchiiSg'“thfe'ir fifh? requites* no - attendance,‘for^the fnaps
being* fe# at night, thfe fifla|is Muhd* in the morping, .which
‘fe^gdherally the pewmara or-barracpta dlr.eady- defcribed,
“ Among the--variety o f fi^icjajjght heje was th
a friiall Oval fifh,‘'r^rM«¬ uPlikfe’a pineapple;- the
foUra?} VhichdS- a r&%e fiihr ' and 'very gabd^eatinjgi;, the
ior'ro-torro, *and anOthbd Galled 4ar0£^\\itheSfkft, three
feet id length; the other, hioh ,-iS whiter aboutdsta feet
; On the 26th, I /aw~a moffc furprilingdifplay o f adtivity,
flrehgtjb, and courage by. a * young ^male; called, i
:Ckirdina, at the Hope; where .a wild -fta&haying ftcayed
from the flock, at . the moment it tame '.haunting,’over
the foot-path, file feized it in full fpeed by: the hinder?
lOgpb.utnot being able toftop it, fbe fqfferfed. herfelf to
be dragged to a confiderable diftancep in or .until Che;. w«as
terriblyt wounded Vtduld fhe let.go her bold., •.
i The Hope was now truly a charminghabitation-j, being
perfectly dry even in fprin^tides,..and wafhed day- pleating
canals' that,let' in the frefh-^ateh every tide v while
the hedges furroundipg the fields and gardens.werp