E X P E D I T I O N " T O S U R IN AM .
pecked, it cp^yfcj.r;Ge]y aflbrcL daily- fubflftence to his eraa- C, H. A. P..
ci at edf troops,bn their arrival; who,having.fpr many days XXI‘
lived off riq.ej. yaipsypeas, andTndian:cc$rn, were no\y moft
violef1tly:a|tackedlhy (the flux; for although that kind of
nourifh men t, will keep?Jith^ Jadians and negroes ftrong as.
hordes,.thp Europe^iSj cannot long.fuflfift without-animal,
foofl; which \yas. at this time fo_, very, fcarpe, th a t even,
the Jew ibldiers of the Society troops- devoured, fait pork,
as faff as-4 they could catch it-
I neydkhelefs continued among th e few that ftill were.-
healthy-; wfljch'yvas^ aim oft a miracle, ,as, I had fared!
vepy^ard iffdeed for wantiv<^lfmy private ftores,. and-
y|hieh,, askv-as mentioned, I had left at the neighbouring
eft ate;tM§gbp: however, expecting? leave jnow to bring;
them in "perfon .front that-plantation, I was,in godd fpi-"
rijts alfo<., But .here J, was -difappointed,- byfCplc^i'ei.Four.-
geoud’s declaring he „could not fpare, me; one, moment,
while 1 was able to? ftand .upon- my feet;.. I. therefore waited-
patigntlyffor an opportunity ©if fending, for them; in the
mean time lharing with my black, boy- the, feanty .-allow- '
ance gf.a private IbMier, with the cafual addition-, of fome- .
mountain-c|bbage^ or palm-tree worms, and perhaps, a
fe w£ warrappa > fiftn
As; for the miferable flayes,. they; were i fo .;ftar.yed,
that hyvipg, killed, a Caata monkey, they broiled it, with
fkin, hair, inteftiney and all, then.tore it to pieces-with
their teeth, and devoured it like fo manycannibals, before,
it was even half dreffegL, o f this animaLthey offered me -
pi ' - . alimbp