N A R R A T I V E M l A N
äs a ba{on^pIate,: Scc. Ih Ehe ■ forefh The negrpes/ge-
■ nerally adorn them by carving -on -the -outer. Ikin > many
-fantafiical Rgures^ and Tilling tip -the ’ Vaöancies with
f h a s awery pretty 'effedl. at
- The rangers, having* been out to 'recQnnoitref Jreitnmöd
on. thq afternoon o f the 23d, and reported that; ;tbey had
difei^ered and deftroyed another,field ofirice tq^the-.N. E.
This pleafed Colonel Fotirgeoud very well }:'but when in
the dulk of-the eyeni-ng I obferved to him, that l :faw
feveral armed negroes advancing^at a-diftance, he turned
-TaleiWeXelaiming, tf Nou^fommes 'perdus /’*. and ordered
the whöle hamp itnmediately hnder.Jarm^ da a, fefv
fcconda thefe negroes were;; near enough to. be idifeerhed,
and we now law that levera! of them were -carried upon
poles, in hammocks. Fourgeoudthen ,Faid,-.'“ We ftill are
“ ruined, though- not the en'erny h’tis Captain Bolts,* beatm
backv veith all his'-party.;” -and -this pajoved UterallyjCo
be the fä<ä, yvheb that ninfortuhate-officer !<haydn'g!/delivered
the wounded to the futgeons;) 1 madefh’is report,
4hat having entered the. fltal fwamp wherejCaptain.Mey-
land had been defeated, he was attacked by the enemy
•from 'the oppofite Ihore, who, without hurting- a, tingle
European, had made a dreadful havock .amongfe Ids
■ rangers ; that Captain Valentmep?. brave- young fellow,
'belonging to that corps, whilft founding Ms •• horn to animate
his countrymen, had it fhot away,, with his. pouch
älfo, and was himfelf moft defperately wounded in ß v e
'different parts of .the,body. In this ütuatiön h ‘e wäSlroet
E X P E D I T I O N T O S U R I N AM. 12c
by hisihrother,-.named €apMm-AvanMge, who, upon c h a p .
feeing 'his mortal condition, a feenp/of fuch real fra- . ,
ternal affe&Qn, ^nfned & ,is f^dorp, to be. obferyed in a
^civilized country:— kneeling at his fide, and bendyig
over th'e mangled sValenfcin^,, he, tupped the blood ; and
gore from his lhattered breaft and fides; then cherifh-
ed him with the manly promiFe-'!td' 'revenge his
death ttpbtf'liiV ibes;. and the hopes that when- he hira-
fiflf was killed he fhouid again iti
-place. jj
5 CblorfeE Fottfgteoud now found that~the rebels had kept
Their plomffe o f ‘rriafTacring the rangers; while Captain
Bolts reported th&t^fbme had. fired tipon his party from;
the topi b f the palm-trees, and then Hiding down with
furprrfthg agility, disappeared, whilft the rangbr-s were
'foaming * for"*revfenge1 ‘fen' their ^dtive1 adverfar-ies, add *
could hferdly be reftraiped front an, immediate purfuit
through • the verdurb: ||
I" -©Or ifoighiy' leader - now found his^ybfhr-d- febeffie ©f"
purfuin^ the enemy compleady fruftrated, and himfelf
in danger of tbtal deftrubEion; being cut off’from every
Ripply, land: having neither ammunition nor provisions
left in his campj with very few men, except the fick
add wounded^ to defend i f . Thus he'at- laftibega^moft
fefibufly to confide*5 how to'fecure a, fafe retreat-; to
which he was urged like wife by the general.and inceflant
murmutiugs o f the 'werfr only almoft
i 11, & . » 1 *