X X V II .
beatify. ThisIlsP largerThan la b y : ibrkey-^öcÉD/ with a
naked head and heck,< the fkifi tif
yellow, and fckïi'èt: iMutttï fits- rieck it basaal fiufkyyfioii®*
feathered collar, in which it -cani^^t/pteaiHhe-.iylibdiisWi
and fo far hid#iits;feieck, that nothingL'but part-pf the
head is perceptible.- 3 This bird hkewift'/fêeds on carrion,
feFpënts, rats, toads, and Oven - excrements.I 1
Among the other birds o f prey in the forett of Surinanf,
, is found the crefiëd'-éa^e^-Thi[^fefive#y'tófiaè' bifdj a è l
alfo very- ftrong-;- the back- :i|^lat^jqbtiDya6jlowiife-ht the
bafe; the breaft and belly white/ iüith htack; fpotSj? as' j are
-itk thighs, and evfenbthe feathers iof its lêgsfi jthélfeïl I of
the body-is entirely.brown/ and thé xlaws tpëffd£l%w^èU
low. The head of this bird is flat, ornamentednvithi four
feathers, two long, and two fhort, whichi it. ean.^fe^hr
deprefs at pleaftire.i
About this time the Hind; an Englifhi, frigate, with
her-tender, were on the coaft, looking: out for "American
The 24th, being the Prince of-Orange’s birth-day, the
whole corps o f officers were entertained, with fait beef,
fait pork, barley puddings, and hard peafe, by Colonel
Fourgeoud. And this day (poor Joanna being inflexible
in her refolutions) I ratified the agreement with the good
Mrs. Godefroy, in prefence of her mother and other relations,
whereby the above lady bound herfëlf H never to
« part with her, except to myfelf alone, as long as ffie liv-
“ ed; and that upon her death, not only her full liberty,
“ but a fpot o f ground for cultivation, befides a neat houfe CHAP,
“ •built upon -it, ftiould be her portion for ever, to difpofe
“ of asfihe pleafed.” After this fhe returned my remaining
bond of 900 florins, and gave Joanna a purfe with gold
containing .near twenty ducats, befides a couple o f piece?
o f Eaft India chintz, -advifing me at the fame time “ to
giyp in-a requeft to the court for little Johnny’s, imme-
f.c dia|etrnatiumiffiop.; which,” the obferved, “ was a ne-r
ff eeflary form, whether I fhould be. able to obtain the bail
“ ufually required or not; and without which formality,
.even.if. I had the bail ready to appear, nothing would
ti: be done in the courfe of bufinefs.”
, Having both of us thanked; this raoft excellent woman,.
I went, to flip with the Governor, where being transported.
with joy, I gave him my requeft in full form,
which he; coolly put in his pocket with one hand, while
he gave me a hearty Squeeze with the other; and fhaking
his head, told me frankly, “ that he would lay it before
“ the - court; but at the fame time was perfectly con-
<£ vinced my boy muft die a flave, unlefs I could find the
“ neceflary bail, which he was at the fame time well per-
“ fuaded. very few people would wifh to appear for.”
Thus, after fpending fo much time and labour, befides
the expence of above a hundred guineas already paid, I
had ftillthe inexpreffible mortification to fee this dear little
fellow, of whom I was both the father and the matter,
expofed to perhaps eternal fervitude; as for Joanna, fhe
was now perfectly fafe, to my heartfelt fatisfaction.