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it in a vignette ;: fince ha does not fay he faw it himfelf,'.
I? muft> take the »liberty to doubt- fchisfadt*,. and even what
he fays- he withefTed.
tm u ft here mention another monkey that I faw at Co*
lbnel Fourgeoud’S houfe, which-iâin Surinam called the
wanacoe, and is covered-over with-long black hair, like
the quato-; but its limbs am fttorter andmiore hairy,. and
its face is a kind ©fdktyf wMtff;- This monkey is» the
only one o f the fpecifes-thaHis not fociable, being'con-
ftantly found atone-;- and fo defpicable - is this' : folitary
animal, that ho is continually beaten- and robbed of his
food by all the others, from whom he is too lazy to
efcape, though too cowardly to figh ts -
Of the long-haired monkiesy the f-accawihk^ ik th e
fmalleft \ indeed,; I may fay o f all the. monkies in
* It is moff probable,. that UDoa took
the account from Acofta’s Hiftory of the
W e ft In d ie s .T h is is his account* taken
from a tranflation printed in -1604.
U They leap where they lift, winding
« their tails aBout-ra" branch' to fliake it,-
<* when they will! leap farther than they ;
« can at once j . they ufe a pretty deyice, S
“ tying themfelves by the tails one of
“ another, and- by this means make as
“ it were a chain o f many^then do they
“ launch themfelves forth.”
Acofta does not fey he few this hiin-
felf; but .to the following he.profeffes
he was an eyc-witnefe. Thefe are his
words.— “ I' Jaw one in Carthagene, in
the governor’s houfe, fo taught, as th®
“ things he dicf feemed incredible/.- "They-
^ feht him to the tavern for wine, ;put-
« ting the pot in one hand apd the: money
“ in the other; they could not poffibly get
“ 1h® nioney - obi? Of 'ms hand bteferJf :'hl-
“ had hi? .ppt full ofrjyine.. I f any chil~ .
“ dren met .him in . the , ftreet, .and threw
" {tones' at -him, He wotdd feV his pot*down
“ and caft ftones againft the children, till
“ he had allured his way ; ,then would
“ he return ta carry home his pot;. A n d ,,
“ which, is more, although he were-a good.
« bibber of wine, yet he would neve».
« touch it till leave was given him.” ;
Guiana, i f not in the world, being'not much larger than c h a p .
a Norway rat. v XVI*‘ ,
; This' is a -beautiful little animal, with blackifh grey
friizfed haif, S^KiteTded, ami'very bright fhining eyes;
its ears afe large and ffakedybyet they are not very perceptible,
» being "■ 'Covered • byv? the1' very tong- and white
whifkers that -gibwr' rcfend t f e lj%hbl^; vilacge» o f this;
little c re a tu r e its ;-feet :are hot Unlike th o fko f :a- fquir-
rel, and its tail i's buftiy and'anhulatedl ■ Sev very delicate
is the faccawihkee, and fo fenflble df thh cold, thatCdarcel'y
one o f them is brought tb^EumpeiMftej and i f they are
they very I5on’ piiie arid diei’- The Dutch call' them the
ffiagarintee> from their beings'chagrined at the fmalleft
trifle. Iii the annexed plate, I have delineated both thofe
monkies, the large quato, and the final! Ta^awinkee; thus
endeavouring- td^ ltl^ ^ ^ ith |£ffy pencil the deficiency o f
my pen.
On my return to the/?Magderiberg, I narrowly' efcaped!
being crufhed to »death by an' enormous tree, which;
dropped by age juft/at my feet.» pThefe accidents frequently
happen in the * foreft; this,; however, only
fiightly wounded two or three of our»marines. During
this trip we had much rain, and were- obliged to crofs
over a.fmall c fe e k .W e dut down one o f the palm-trees
on the water’s edge> which falling aerofs the river formed
a temporary bridge. ■
I now paid a vifit to the miferable negro who had been,
found with his throat cut, and who was fo well as to