<C.Hia:p. ihavingfhanged;himfelf 5 afledging; that m tench himyae-
‘~XVIII*.r wording te their prgudiçesî*;(being,Germané) would ren»
tdèr them ms infamous -;as " himfelf.* 'WhërefoFè,; ; by my
orders, he was taken down, and interred b y the negroes.
.: An order -atdàft uame./för my relief^ Jand T immediately
ifet out for Göêd-Acdoörd, in -ébmpanywaffe Gâptain Boks;
where the planter, Mr. de!Lange, and his lady, received
« s ï \vithngfe^tïhM'pitality.- -This fugar eftate being the
faïthefl: that is cültivatedAiö lliöCorpe^vina, anebeonfe-
quently: expofed to the; neighbourhood b f the rebel ;në-
;g.roes, makes the flaves'.liable to tbeir feduóïtons ; they
•areitherefofe itrèated -With peeuliar-» kiïïdnefs ^and indufc
igence, to prevent their cGtoeurring in ahy4nfufre<S;ion,for
-being perfuaded te leave their present fituation» •
Here we faw a great novelty indeed? the young negro
Women Waiting, at the table 'àk ftarknakedj 'fts^they came
into the'world, - -I was at 'Erft- Éaf tled.at the mhufifal - ap-
péarànde ; and diking the 'eatifey was modfeftly anfwered
b y the lady o f thehoufe, that it was -ordéf ed ib by their
mothers and matrons* to* prevent (fey Tuch means of dë-
teótion, iaid they) theistlted early ihteteëuffè'With the
'males,r and child-bearing, which Won! d1 fpoil - their ïh apes,
weaken their ftrength, and cramp their growth. Indeed
finer made figures I never beheld ‘ than Were 'both the
men (witneis Philander) and the'women on this plan-»
tation, whofe beautiful ihapfes, livelinefs, ; ftrength^ and
activity, were inferior to no Europeans. I
Next day we departed for Magdenburg an hour before
fUn-fet, againft the advice o f Mr. and Mrs. de Länge, in c h a p .
a final 1 barge, icovered only with a loofe awning.|. We had , x vn L ,
not\rowed abbve two miles when-hot’ only night came
on, > but \ye w em ovemkem.by sfuch ta ihower o f rain,, as
had nearly funkf uSjivthes boat?s gunwale not being more*
than| tw,o -inches: abovedhe y*aterhowever, by the help
q f our. hats; and eal-ibaflies,f we-kept her afloat, while. a
negro, fat. upon the boW, hol#igjqiJt; a: -boatrhook firaight
before him to prevent us from; beingteverfet* by,inadver- -
tently running, -in. pitch-darknefs«* againft the roots of.ma-*
groves,;&c. .which;>thipkly linedjbpth:.the .banks : o f „the
rivpr. .all the vway up ward S. . - ?
j. Imthi^Rate pfiwefand obfcur-ity* at ten o’clock, .
We came to thp <Jacabr ;J)€9pg,juRaflbat; and no. more; for
Bolts .and I had no> fopper,leaped son. the beach, than the
boat funk with all-thatwasf^herj the flaVesduckilyTwim-
ming- aiRqre., v A la s !• amoUgfl:; thy wrecks was-my .poor
box, with m y journal,p(and all* mys^paintings* which'
had; coft me above -two'long years* Jo? much; ktbquf, .care*
and altentipnÄ I was trt^y diftreifedrat this löfef when, a
lkilful negro divedfeveral timesi to t;he bottom(,;änd atriaffe
brought up m ylittfe treasure; which,t-hdngh rhnmughly \
^baked^d/WaS' Very happy tcfl have-again i n m y i handsa..
’Fhus- ended; pur -iliipwreck,, w-herx. having Idrank £©me!-
warm» grog and flung quf h^moi;fcs^We a)ll:feS :a•ß;eep,
round a .good fire,- by which I mide fhift to dry myfelf^
and, what was o f more corifeqoeh^'e^ :my‘papef^»-v.
The following morning we again £et out, and rowed for