To delineate the' different fpecies of wild dutks that
are in Surinam with.any degree .o f accuracy, i$;;a talk-
which I ack.nowledgd to be far beyond my rft^eih. ^ ShRice^
it therefore to fay, thatin general they are: not)very large»:?
but adorned with the moil fplendid tints and moft beau-:
tiful plumage 'thatgcati be imagined» .particularly' thofe?
they call the cawereepkee^Csm fookooroorkeej and tilt finna—
kee^ which laft are the: fmallqft. No iwaterrfowl of' any
kind, without exception, can .be more delicate eating than,
all thofe I have juft mentioned; while fome. o f them
are. tameable, and frequently feen.-araongft the poultry on'
the plantations.
< Having the. following, day the opportunity of a-bpat, I
profecuted my voyage down the;Cottica Riv-e? till I .c,ame:
to Paramaribo, where in finfe spirits;. arid. perfect hpalthl
(however ftrangd). I afrived that; very fame .evening, and
where I was moft heartily welcomed by my many friends
with the i warmeft f cpngrat ulations pn :my. ftilf exiftingj,'
after .having efcaped fo many dangers, and been fo-.lopg"
deprived o f every comfort-^-torn .by thorns, ftung by in.-'
fedts— ftarved, tormented, emaciated, and wounded—often
without clothes, health, reft, money, reffefhments,.'medicines,
or f r i e n d s a n d after having loft fo many of my
brave companions, who lay buried in theduft.— —Thus
ended my feventh and laji campaign in the foreft o f
C H A P .
^ C H A P.( XXIX. '
Some .Account df a remarkable x Negro ^—Tbe ‘troops prepare
V ,'for Europe—pefcription, o f a Coffee Plantation.—Plan
-*■ pflReformffr the Incyeafe ;<of .Population, and univerfal
Happmff.— O n i more' horrid Barbarity;
‘ dnd^Example o f Humanity.—-the Regiment embarks.
B E IN G now oncq moret arrived iri tpwn, and Wi filing
to any^body, ’ I hired a
very ^neat fmali houfe. by "me waterrfide, in which we
Ijyed nearly, as happy .as we,had'done at the Hope..
. The" ftrft perfon. that vifited me here was the American
Captain ,Lizm? .6f *tfte who, to my great concern,
{old me, that , poor Macdonald,, the^ grateful failor, had
difd pp the homeward paffagej'after being twelve days at
fc a i ariddeftred him in his,laft words"to return me? with
hisVaoA' wifhes, the mother-ofTpearl cork-fcrew I had
formerly giv^n him. ; He farther acquainted me alio, to
my farrow, that three Englifh vefTels had been* captured
by f&s ffrheficdn ‘Revenue privateer floop, which lay at
this timej with her prizes, irf tfie road before Paramaribo^
6i$‘ of wbicb, belonging to Ireland^ was‘valued at above
ff. 50,600 fterlfng.
Hayihg been -waited on by a ^number of p la n t s ' and
V ol. If. “ Y y others