wè retuftied, j j j j rwimming through mudrâfid W e r ,
J ^ L , !â&dr having: literally fem nothshg, estèfept fôtd4b'iràs
y,nd curious fFeesÿ Whiih ï G&filnbtb pafs' unnoticed. ‘Thtt-
bifds Wérfe câlMd -tfafe
:%»rà<f9. .ûThe 4fc& is^ k in d èf-laigfejsft^e, fhèjïïiîfë- cÇ &
Wobdcbek, w ith a lo o k ed bill . Thfe fécond-is J f t a
water ^fbwlj büt-thfee timeses laigtHfe fifft ;vbn ^
«ônhtfb f theif f^ftnéfèj- fia’a riiorh'eftt*
3 can give bat a very ithpehfëêl -ÜfeïeHption ’-of them;
T h e €rocfo..ï% fomethîng left than ,è%r râVeé&j^an^ 1 be-i
liewe o f b ^ ÿÔ n b b l t-he rnof* vo-rabioM
.birds o f ^ â ' d ’itiÊ
biné colonr, has ^a remarkably ftrong bill andhhÿfcsy bnd
croaks; êxceffively loud ancT'dîftgrfeëably, Wpdcially by
nighfc The trees Were what the negroes* called the Ma~
takêfi and thfr’ MùAdory'ï TJie firftl^reffiia-rhabfe for m
roots, Which ^rezê^bà^e tH e^ èâM = ih% |^ :^ a fâh ë i^
that they wilheohcea! a fcore of-men from each other;,
này fo Iargfe are they fèmétimes,- thàit a ^horfeman may
ride through hetWeen th'è interhihê^,'àndbhb fmgle piece
is fufficienrto rtiaké -a. table Ia?gebhoilgh:to hihiltwelve
people. j | | lp
For. a better rdea o f this wonderful tree* I refer the
reader to the annexed plate; where I have placed; it upon;
the oppofiteihôfë o f the encampment at j'e ru fa leftu In
the fame plate," lie is aÜb presented with * jWfadea&st.
view of. the camp at Jatfa Creek.
'I'he bther tfée, called: the Markoory, is truly formidable
h on