,€ H A P.
» - - <
As a proof of their gratitude, I will only relate one in*
fiance : — Some years ago an Indian woman being at Paramaribo,
and far advanced in a ftate o f pregnancy, a
Mr. Van der Mey humanely ibrdered his Servants to con*
du£t her and herhulhand into his houfe, where, giving
lhem /a private apartment, and^every other -conveniehey,
:he wifhed them good-night. “Before the next morning
the woman was 4 'elivered; but when the fervants went
in to renew their offers, p f. friendfhip, neither man, wifp,
nor childwerotohe-found,-^s-they had before day-break
quietly marched into the. foreft *. Various 'were at this
time theconjefiures concerning the boafted-/«3f^ r% o f the
Arrowouka Indians, .tititij, no lefs than eighteen nionths
after, the fame Indian returned to Mr. Van der Me-yjwfth
a charming captive boy,of the $£&&&&&& nation, that he
had taken in battle + ; and whom prefenting to his benef-
fadtor, he only faid, “ 'that'syours,” /and without waiting
for any anfwer difappearecb— For this Have the > above
gentleman was offered £ . 200, which he refufed^ and
treated him as well, as i f he had been free.
The education thefe people receive in rhbif infancy
being according to the dictates only o f limple nature,
their minds or their bodies are very feldom deformed,
•while a too nice attention to either is poffibly as detrimental
as a total neglect. The ingenious Dr. Bancroft is
* I have mentioned before that the Indians are exempt from pain in labour.
-3- This is however extremely uncommon, as a more peaceable people does not
escift in the univerfe.
■% o f
©f the he fopports (I-think need- - c h a p .
wmgm a ; • - r 8| . .... , . 4 - , . XXIV*
lefsly)* by a ‘quotation from Quintilian. u—v^-»
Though ’the ‘Ar ro wouka'I nd'ian s' live in perfect friend-
fh ip ^fldi-hWtooriy With h:s,r add- indeed with moft o f their
neighbours,fithey "yet fometi-me'sJigo. to war when provoked,
as I have--juft.obfervedi; tub thefe; combats they
ufe bows* andrarrows;;. and' the club called apoWt&W* ;
buthhey do not eat t-heir prjfeners like fhe 'Caribbee In-
diapspwhb e ven^evourbd'the naiads,"vyhom gthey killed
at the' inWretftion incReEbic^c^Ndtwithftanling thefe
people; live tat: a • greater difianeh frorcithe fea than-the
War rows\ ikehyeb they havje.cknoes.?)fometiines fourfebre
Teghin length, in which they paddle,down fthe ;rivers,
The Arrowouka Indians particularly .are great herbalifts,
and. for, all (external .accideinjtsrjhaVe^T^ourfe tp'fimples,
with which ithe*woods of; .all Terra Firma abound.-----
But to proceed :
On the 25-th' I wasTeized with a fever,-and blooded in
-the (foot, :in which ithe orifice b,eiug ffip r i too .deep, for
firuek.it was as. ihey,-Mefcri?theb;©Nb$> I again Ibjoamb d
lame\£-during. whiph time Colonel: S.eybutg arrived from
the Java Creek to- recover, -he ; being vat laft alfo taken
very ill.
: i: In the; mean time: Colonel Fpprggoud,. while h e was
juft ready to renew his, opefatihns*.having. akeadyiept a
final] detachment to the Jew Savannah for, intelligence,
received letters from th e ; Hague,; w ith. exprefs orders to
• 'The New Zealanders cat! thcirkltfcsk#0-jhf$4i ; which a^riqr « remarkable,
jpn accoimt of their yery great di&ance,;
VOL. l i C 5 abandon