c h a F. grunting noife which they èmit-Ifke moft other tropical
L XXIII‘ _ fifti and amphibious animais.
T hey concluded by affuring me, that though they were
fcarce, nothing was more dreaded fey their wives^ and
children, than, the Watfa Mania, WhichrfigoifiesSfhe
mother o f the waters \ and b y which- nâihe| firang^jio
tell, they diftinguifh their Sybils.—±So much ferdhe'iw#-
ß ers o f the deep 5 and now L& aH ^ ^ iiijib fë
thole infefting. Terra Firma. |
I have juft mentioned, that, oiî^aécount o f - a very "bad
foot, I had been returned unfit fo t duty -by' Che fur1*
gedft, on theTpth of-November ; yet this December
another Tnrgioiî, with '
adjutant, were fent to infpefi both me- and Captain
Perret,' who Was alfo tick. The fôfgëob * é â ^ h iy ^declaration
upon odtb, that we were incapable o f walking
without danger, much mcfte o f undergoing, fatigué-; but
Seyburg, who was ftili in his phrenzy fever,j declared we
fhould inftantly enter the woods, though he fliould.fee
us carried in two wheel-bar fows7 Poor Captain Ferret
complied to turn out,, though he looked like a ghoft, and
could fcarcely ftand ; but- I folemnly fwore that I would
blow out the firft man’s brains who • dared âiJrkfpeSifulïp
to touch me : in corifequence of which I was elofe guarded
by a fentihel ; while the whole camp, upon my foul,
now feemed to be compofed of none but madmen'.
On the n th we received intelligence that a number of
armed rebels had been juft feen oppofite to Devil’s Harwar,
war*.and afterwards informed they Were upon- their re-
trcat fro,n tiie Com aw in a River, whereon the 5th they
had burnt to allies the dwelling-houfe o f the eftate KiU
teflon N cm , with Mr. SBglfter the overfeer in it, ran-
facked the whole plantation, killed and carried off thirty-
’three women, and chopped off the limb-of a male mulatto
child, to be revenged>of its father;- arid that the Pirfca
rangers were in purfuif Of them. Captain Ffedericy alfo
arrived this day, who had exchanged from -the Society
troops into Colonel Fourgeoud’s r a im e n t o f marines,
‘ amd confirmed to us the above unhappy hews/
“ Abau| tbls time, after having ffarved four months-, rhy
remaining ftoreS arrived at Iaft from Mocha, hut three-
fourths rotted and deftroyed by the Mate- o f cockroaches ?
the remaining part I diftributed among the fiek people!
But what proved truly acceptable,was the ebfeeringaccount
that Joanna- and Johnnyvmre puff danger, and recovering
at Paramaribo. This intelligence indeed fo elevated my
^ rit;s’ ^ at the ne-xt morning I reported myfelf fit fo r
duty, th-dugli God kn-o-ws- that I was not ; and to this'I
was the t more- induced by the want o f frelh air, of'
whrfch I was perfectly debarred in my confinement, and
S f f l j S ra'aeb fe;need. The fame evening a boat full o f
Caribbee Indians rowed up Cormoetiho, for the River
Mara win a, by th| communication o f the Wana Creek.
hr eight days fnore, which was the noth o f December,
being actually recovered o f the wound in my foot, arid
Seyburg of liis phrenetic fever, another officer and I
played him the following trick, fof his had' ufagef
A a 2 Having