E X P E D I T I O $f' T O M | R I N A M .
ripen, changes to a dark brown, when they burft open
and difplay a rich crimfon pulp, in which are contained
-fsedsi that are5hjick, like thofe^of a,J grape. The ufe o f
this pulp I havé,'already' described, when fpeaking of the
Abbriginestpr I^i0ni',;*^4'^',h,ow the reader with
•a> vièwtöf itp tb^ag)^ from\ neceffify on a fmall fcale:—
A is» tïjeddaf abasvè; B the famed||lmy; C the pod before
it ;Mf*yet 'ripe j £* the ripe, andye^poling- the crimfon
pulp'; \È»lfie black'fèëa'coherediO^er with part of the
pulp, Hdrdfaga!in PriiUft take »the libeity to obferve, that
thé ró%sipéw »plant1, ^ekMMted -by the- celebrated Madam
•Mbriah,Ssjivéry iinlike-th©'roriginal that I,faw; and to my
great fur prize fhe fays it grows on a large tree. i?
Having'?crowed\.an arm, of ^hpM-apanee -Greek in the
/evening,' we Ph4b1*mdfé|5^|töt':ned, dmpnr gamp at Mag-
’denberg-; £Mr. Noot, one of .pur officers, and"."feyerai
others,‘iy^eleifo5 ill, that! th;ey’were carried, in their ham*
iWóèfesfbpón pöle&'by7 the'm'fe||l?@ffiay<^ and: ae great number
wérê:lö yerycwedk that thef^^Q.iald,! Icareely fupport
the weight of their , emaciated bodies ; but to :dam pi aiSnof
hcknseli'-waSiio mutiny; till' t&ey, dropped 'down almoft
ready' to »expire. - JDuringHthis? expeditid&V in which wet
foil perceived nothing of the enemy, I was remarkably
fortunate, having neither buffered by fatigue, nor been
perfecuted by extraordinary bad ufage;. The fucceeding;
day Colonel Seybürg’s column arrived, having,, like., us,,
feen no7appearance of thearpbels^ ■
On the 9th, my boy. Quaco returned -from Paramaribo;