&2& N A R R A T I V E OF A N
CHAP, the proper fnares, fuch as the fp r iftg z fio vk , and m a n fo d or
x ^®%pring-haflsötr I have given a reprefent&ipn"of both thefe
_ in'the jdate annexed, where the fpring-hooX is expreffed
>hy .the letter A , being a fong.;elaftic pole, like a ftrong
filhing-rod,; .ftuek in * the ground under watery, at the 1
: bthèr end o f which is fixed a double line, the fhort^ft
/ having fattened tp it a fmall flick,, ten inches Jpng, apd
the other thé fame, but a little lower; while at the ex-
. tremity o f this line is hooked a fmall fifh by. the fins, in
the larger fjjeeies« ' Two long ftioks'beingdae'xt placed in
the ground .fo r as Jo appear above . water, a third ftick
much fhorter, formsvthem like a gallc^s^. above this
hggllows is. bent and fixed, the elaftic;pole^by;means,of
the doublp^fine- and its beams; but in' fo ^ry*=flighl
a manner, that upon thé leaft tducji vthe wholS^;ap_-f
paratus give! way^ knd the large pole eyp^s i^elA when
• the fifh that qccafioned the fpring, by'taking th h ^ a^
^fe|u|pended tpUhe hook in the air, -as „exhbttpd byithe
figure B . 'I
The mem^a or fpringTbaiketUs. much ü^on thè^ fam.e
cónftruéHon, and may be feen by referring to tetter C,
where it is reprefented open and under water, with the
baitfwimming in it. This bafket ;vis made of warimbo
reeds, in the form of a ffigar-loAf (the' above apparatus,
being fixed to.the middle) in the fmall end of which the
elaftic pole is fattened, -•ftihile at the other end' is an open
trap-door, the whole being fupported in an ere<ft pofition