prrce could be too dear for a young womans -pofleffing g h a p .
fo much sexeehenee, provided 1 Gould pay iu
Solomon wed obfer'vesy;“ that as cold Water: is ft) a.
thirfiy* foul, fo are;good tidings front a didant conn try
and thisuihK j omitsfirfb arrival, had indeed the moft re-
'ViVing ejpfea on Me t but when reflection taught me how
iMpoilibte it Wtt fotf me tor-obtain Inch a fum- o f Money,
and while I was employed in giving all the prefent s 1 had
received (except the liana, ahd the dog); to Joanna’s rela—‘
tions at Fauconbetg, who. loaded me with adorations and-
cateUssi “ Ob i that I could
“ f bave but found a fum fufficient to purehafe every one
^ o f their ireedbin^ Bnow'found/mylelf*. though ex-.
ebediUgly wdali, however fb much better, that on the next
day I Wfehtdbwb -fbfar as th e: e®ate;Be4*gffibvef whehbb1
the admiifift*atGr,V Mr, Gbur-lhy, humaridy caaifed me
to be traafported. to Paramaribo1 in a dbcMt tenf-bargh; ,
With fix oars ; but ielapfingy I arrived juh ali-Ve bn the
evening o f the1 t^th, haviti^paft the preceding, night- on
the ■ effete -called thbJ J ^ le% a^p^enay ^adv
I cannot’ leave the' river GoMewina without. prefentMg
the reader With a ' tiew' o f’ Mag3ehbefg, from the Tem-
patee ? arid a- peep- at Calais, from- tire Hope* at. the
mouth dfthe GbfaW^hiodG'reek.
Being now irr a Comfbrtablh iBdgin g* at Mr. dfe la Mards,.'
and attended by fo good a creature1 &$ Joanna,. I recovered'
apace y and bn the'25th was fo" well, that I Was able;
to walk out for the firfbtiM'e, whea I dined with Mrs; Gode-