CHAP, of liberal minds, men that are firm and prooi’ againft
XXIX‘ . the allurement o f a bribe, or the glittering o f gold, and
whofe paflions are reftrained by fehtiment and manly
feelings:' - Let thefe men be haridtfomeiy rewarded by
that nation whom they fo materially ferve, and thé colony
which they fo confpicuoufly protect; blit let theif
falaries- Be afcertained, without ddfifedifig^oh the blood
and fweat of the miferahle Africans. Then let fuch rtiert
ehaft impartial regulations, by Which thé negroÜ0 è^kré
to perform no more than their fair talk-and labour a rea-
fonable number o f houis in thé twrefity-foui: : lét thefe
he followed by protecting laws, and let thembe no longer
racked, tormented, wantonly murdered, or infaftioufly robbed
o f all that is dear to the human affections, their wiv'eA,
and daughters. L e t regulations be adopted, by which
they may he properly fed»- andr attended to #h#i®
imlifpofëd; and, above all, let equal jiiftieè bé adminif-
tered; fuffer them, when outraged or plundered, to obtain
a hearing; permit them to complain, and^ëniihtó th#U to
prove by evidence the grievances by which they are of>^
prefled. Even give them \yhat wé fb mueh value èüS-
j u r y , nay, partly compofèd of their own fable companions.
Thus, would' you have them work and a<& like
firft fuffer them to be jfeèw .
When regulations conform to thefe fhall be adopted and
enforced, then % venture to fay, that nations will feel the
benefit, o f their colonies—then planters will become rich,
ami their overféers become honeft; then flavery will be little
E X P E.D I T 1 O N T O S 0 R I N AM.
more than a name j anci fubjects will, with pleafure, fulfil .
their limited ta lk : then, and not till then, will population
fuffiqiqn-tly encreafe. J^or. thernqceffary work, and the exe- .
qrable Gyitiea tra^e he Wally abolifhed, which is now too
frequently carried qn with barbarity-and unbounded ufur-
patiqp. Th^n the tpaftqf will, with pleafu^iook on his.
fable fu^jq^ts as on.h-^chi^ep, ancl th.e} pr^fjipal fc|Urce
o f his happinefs? , while the pegloes’^ will, bkfs the day
their aqceftpr^.did firft:ftt foot o|. ^meri^m grQpn^.-^
Having thus, according to my ppiniqn, pointed ogt
the way, an^d the only w$Y„ (if well cobfidere<Hjo1redre^
the grievances o f this and many other goloniesi,d,would
alfo' recommend to planhS ta n d oi)er%m m general,' to
peritfe \rith attention a fmaM work* entitled Aft Letters to
'« a yduhg'Plintef; br 6bf#vatlons oil-thb management
c< o f a Sugar Plyitation: to which is added,'’the Planter’s
«’Calendar. Written on thelfland of'Cfeffada, by an old
# Planter? and publifhed in London*irf 178& 8V0. price
One Shilling aqd Sixpence, and fold'fry
Let them next take an example by that incomparable
woman Mrs. Godefroy, by Mr. Thomas Palmer, and a few
others, who confider their flaves;as, their fellow-creatures,
without paying the fmalleff regard either'tol’heir paga-
nifm or complexion; and who increafe both their wealth
and their ^appinefs by ffleif ^umahity.--I will now once
more proceed with my narrative.
On the 16th, being invited to dineyvbth his excellency
the governor, I laid before him my collection of draw-
3 A a mgs,