ch ap. meet*with*friends.* Your manly feUftbility
xix. « £or that defervihg young-woman .and her child muft
« claimthee&eem of all rational .perfans, an fpite cxf hia-
« lioe. and folly.r.anckfo much, has this .a$idn recom-
tt mended you .to my .attention in particular, that I fhould
« think myfelf .culpable in nqt. patronizing your lduda-
«.ble I intentions, k Permit,,me tb^njtp rfPUf
« happinefs, and in the future-profpecftof * the, virtuous
« Joanna and her little boy, by resetting^yopr aecept-
« ance. of the fum.of mo thou/and-jlorins, or-any-ifum
« you ft and in need, of; withr .which money,go* imme-
-f« diately, Stedman,' go^nd redeem innocence,' good
« Tenfe, and beauty from the; jaws ofr; tyranny, oppref-
« fion,. and infult,’’ gg
* Seeing me thunder-ftruck, and ga^hg upon her in , a
ftate,of ftupefa&ion, without; the power of /peaking, fhe
continued, with a divine benignity9
« Let, not your delicacy, my tahurthif-alaSiEb
« and intejfere in thisy/hufinefs; foldiers and
« ought ever ta b e ; the men’t.of fewefty compliment^»
« hnd all I e x p e a :from you is,, that you, fay*;not one
« word more on the,iu]bje6t.'w—■“-As • foam as I recovered
I replied,. “ .that I was, , at a l.ofe how to exprefs my ad-
« miration of fuch benevolence^. I ,faid, .‘f .that. Joanha,
« who had fo frequently prefemd ;my life, had cer-
« tainly merited my eternal affe&ion; but that my. gnjr
,« titude
« put me in the way of-redeeming that invaluable Iwb-
| «,rhan
« man from 4 flayer,yi.$$qand j< cqn^uded with obferving, c ^ a p .
«, that I gould .upt nojy .tpuch a ftiilling of the money, but ,-----— »
« fhould have the honours *0 cafl, upomher the next day;
« .and. -immediately retireft.” ',»,
^ J , wa&;.fio foo^er^rreturned homp,^than I acquainted
Jaanna.cwith.all „tha£,.-had* happened ; . who, burfting
into tears*;,called, out, wo/na!”—-
« Gqd ' wHf .cbl^fSi Jhis_ wuman ! * „and infifted that
Ihe herfelf'fhould be mortgage/to Mrs. Godefroy till
every , farthing-,,fhould be paid: fhe .indeed^ was very
anxious,|to. fe^,.tire, «mapcipation of her. bpy, but till
that^w,a&«<d°UU)r fhe abfolutely, ugfnfedg g|g accept Qf her
own/rcedorp.. I fhall not here^endeavour to paint tl^e
eonteft which I (fuftained between, afff.6tj.on and duty, but
bluntly fay that I yielded, to the wifh of this fo charming
c^e(ature, and whofo. fentiments endeared her to me
ftall mqfp. |fdp%qtly.drew up.a-paper, declaring
my Joanna, according to.her defire,' from" to be
the propertyof.Mrs. Godefroy, till the laft farthingpf the
rnoney |bqfe§tjcu? ihould £jt| jtepaid; and,, on :^3§ifdUQW-
irag; d a yw ith jh e cenfentjof her, ra tio n s % .1 GpndU(9tpd *
her to thrcnvingjherfclf ;at
the feet that incomp^r§ble|^,i Joanna herfelf put
the paper into *her .hands,;, butithis Jady haying rajfed
lier. up,,,nq} read the.^p^|»|j^^;:llWseXr.
claimed,' « Muft it be fo ? Then come here, my Joanna,.
* Without the, confent of parehtSj Mothers,-and lifters, no relpedfeble; Haves are
; individually,fold,in Surinam,
M a « I have