3ö6 n a r r a t i v e o f a n
were wanting - Th$*£':Wérë -caftr^e^' '‘M f è i i ïfèlfîfeV,
I M-bohrey 'WIf!&d“t'àbfég,= Mé. ail j^ïdÿ h h dfeWhldiath
tr#.1 But What' ehbitterbd the ^lèâftirfe W'aâ, thë ibhn-
mari di^pbfittbh b f Mr/Göet%ë’i r:/ ^ , -whè) ftoggèdher
'Bepfo1 ftàV&;M V«&?' W e triÈe. Fdf iftftanfc^, bhë of
thé fbof-hojfèj dMléd 'jfrâ&ypiiMi thë glaitesaëfcordihg
'to her imtfd, fhe orderedhinr tobë
fh è hé&t ttiörtiib’g ; feat ihe'ünfertunafe ‘yohth ÏÖÓfei ptft
ftirrifelf beyond thhrfcath o f her fefêtttment : for,'having
takeh flhe^ëîï oir thé bthfer hbgVöèk otï the ëffëtèk bfe
%eót u|ï lâM Mori&fMóWh-tipön' tiïsbed,
wTiete, placing thè muzzîèhf-a loaded föwiih^A^ië^e
ià his month, by thé heîf) ôf his tbè/he:>d^et7 ithé<ti,i^^ëA,
•ahd j)üt ah end to his e^iflfehör. ' À houP& b f Aóufhé-:
gfbes whre now fent up to fee what Avars the tóttéh; Whó,
■ flhding ihé béd- alT Ovlrrbdpart(^ed 'Wi^ ^ W d <ahil
braids', got ordersto throw the body out bf flit window
'tb the tiôgs, whifè thë'ihaftèr ^d'öiiffirefs- WhkB'Vétÿ
muth tdarmed, that they öé^fer^ét^^fefetóhf’1^ ^ .iîSr
ivbuîd any përfdriicônféiît ftb"Hë in
. fill I chofe it in preference '-to'ktiÿ^lii^^'^^^1^ ^ ^ ^
the 'ffiöft plëàfltntr room, and the Véfy beft bed, in the
Kóufê. WhâkaBdëd mtich fó fhë'àlàTm 'ó f the fâÜiîlf,
Wàs thé circumftancë o f a TfavdurÏtë i^ild ^ib'g ■’fdft
atféep in thë lainè apartment wh'ërë 'thfs <M&-
itrophe* happened. They wéte, iiöwëvër,' 'Mfë’&d from
* ¥Ife s&dve unMjjpy peofle ^ere pöHofied by thràr'flares abbot fixJim «for
4bif happened.
5 “their
e x ? m ^ i Y m $ t m m t> r i n a m . 307
their alarms on thAs'fGorgj; by being infprme'd that it had' c H a p.
?8cf^edfhefma|lj3B:Injury. f xxVn.
f.b^d nif^t be#n:fonrtee^ days on this plantation, when '
a fem^k.m^ttQ .flay-p, called Ife-miy for having jacofely
W ‘‘ her miftrefg had fojne debt-las well as herfelf,” was
hrippfd $ark rnahed, ^nd m a .-very indecent as- well as
ih&nmftn manner flogged by two flout-nfegrons before the
d’Willing-jhourfe ddot (while both herfeeftswere .locked to ‘
a -heMy hon bolt)’untilhardly ahyofkiri was left :on her
thighs or fldes. 'f Kiyie d^haftpr this I had tfaei good fortune,
however, to. get. her iielieved from the iron-holt,
which was,lacked: acrofs her fhins^hiit a Mrs. Fan Eyjj
al.hdgtng Ihe had affronted* her al£o h y her J4my 'looks,
BVSfyitedI?ohMfSr Q^et^e |q rejaew- the pnnifbnaent the
fai^e nyeek; lyhen die was aftually fq cruelly beaten, that
1 expected fhe could not have furvived it.
• ©ifgnfled With this barbarity, I left the eftate Gatwyk,-
detertnined-neyer more to return tovY ; but‘ 1 flill accora-
pantying.Mr. Goetzee.to vaflt feme' other plantations
fp©hi cmriofity, in Gottica aa'd Pirica-'Rivdrsy at one of thefe,’
cahedthe^Ah, a new-born female: infant was;predated me
by, .way. of compliinent,. to giv^ i a k ^ e , ' which J caged
Charlotte. But the' next mornings during breakfaft, fe->
ven negroes Werehtere Madrjife@g^»-jfoaie
with & v^iich is !t§ry. terrible,-r-Hehee I made,
nay r^reat to, the eflate l^ravettrMagMe) s^id there, meet-
ipg a mulatto yohth in chains, whofe name was Doughs,
I.oWfch horror recolle&ed his unhappy father, who had
B r 2 been