374 N A R R A T ï V-Ê- O F A N
■ e »A P. Oil the 22d, I made’ it my buftnefs- with Captain Small
XXOk ^ was come "down with leave ofa-bfence) to-wait on
thé Reverend Mr. - Sny derhan%-,aceording to appointment,
but who, to both our great furprize, peremptorily
refûfèd tb chriftén the hoy ; alledging for his reafbn, that
as I was gbing.to Holland, T could not' anfwer for his
cbrijlian education. We replied, that he was under two
Very- proper guardians : the blackfmith’s ibn (for fuch
was this divine) perfifted, and we remonftrated, but to no
purpofe, for he was juft as deaf as his father’s anvil, and 4
believe, upon my foul, quite as'empty .'as his bellows' p till
at length, Wearied out with his fanatical impertinence, f
Rvore that I Would fooner fee the hoy die d heatheri,
than chriftened by .fuch a blockhead; while my friend
'Smdl could not help .bellowing on him a hearty curfé,
and, flapping the door with a vengeance, we departèclf
Feafting ~ànd conviviality now prevailed once more" at
Paramaribo, as on our firft arrival. Grand dinners, flippers,
and balls were heard o f in every quarter. But I
only vifited a few o f my feledt friends, amongft which
number had conftarrtly been Governor Nepveu,. and
where, for the iaft time, I made one of the company at a
truly magnificent entertainment, which ended the fcene
ó f liberality and hofpitality, for which the inhabitants o f
Surinam are fo j uftly confpicuous ; and on the 25th the
baggage was fhipped on board the veffels.
Numberlefs, indeed, were the prefents for the voyagé,
with which I in particular was now overbooked from
every quarter ; and my proviflons of live .cattle, poultry»
j E X P f^,D I T4 O N T O ,‘S U R I N A M.
wine, rum,, *w^r© almoftTuftjoient to carry me
round the globe: amongft the reft, in a fmaft'bottle cafe,
containing liquors,- I found a cryftal phial filled with
effential ml of’ a parcel' of what'they 'called
here tonquin beam*.— The firft is extracted from the rind
or peefofithe orange^, which i^ -done here by the. tedious:
anditebbrioiTSfmethod o f , Squeezing itbetween the finger
add thumb.: "A' few drops! o f $iis,ion a fma.11 piece o f
fogasyis faid to be an excellent remedy toftrengthen the
ftomach, create an appetite, and help, digeftioarv anddone
finale-drop fmells & ftrong, that it iSjsfiiSklent to per»
Tumfe a Whote apartment. The tonquin beans are faid to
gihw in ia thick pulp, fomething. like a walnut, and on a
large tree. ' I never faw them otheywife than- dried., when
they ;b?ar feme refemblance to a prune or dried plumb,,
aiid are made- u-fe ©f to feent fnuff and tobacco, to which
they impart, a, moft agreeable odour. :
£ On,the 26th, wetook o u r la ft ie a v e :o f his Exeelleney
the Governor, ert corps, as | affuredly was his dqe ; after
which all the officers o f the Society tpoops. waited on
Colonel Fourgeoud, at the head quarters, to with us a
prosperous voyage to Holland, and the day was fpent by
- a regain en militairei viz. a dinner, as nfual, o f fait pro»
vifions; but I muft apkHowlodge, accompanied with. as
much good liquor of every kind# as Surinam could fur-
nifli, and a very heafty welcome.
I believe that now a hundred times- Fourgeoud fhook
me by the hand, declaring,“ That there was not a young
“ man
C H A P .
X X IX .