This charming youth-, having made a moft com-
, tnendable ''progrefs in his education in Devon, went two
Weft India voyages,with the liigheft character as a failor ;
^ and during the Spanijh troubles ferved with honour as-
a midihipman on board his Majefty’s fhips Southampton
anTd L iza rd , ever ready to engage in any fervice that the-
advantage o f his king and country called for,—But, Oh!
—he alfo is no more, having, finoe perijfoed at -fea off the
i-fland of Jamaica..
The effedf which the following lines had on the fym-
pathetic and ingenious- Mrs. Cowley, could alone induce-
me to intrude them on the Public. — I^et this be mv
apology—— Oh 1 more than bitter talk i 1 *1---- ~
A n Citgp on m y S A I L O R.
L oud founds die tempeft !—peals pf thundçr roar *
Tremendous lightnings flafli from fliore to floor« :
Seas dafli the fhaking rocks— feas mount the flaming frcy> t
And elements convuls’d, ipeak diflblution nigh.
Such feenes as thefe (while tolling on the waves,-.
True to his duty frill) the manly failor braves *
S uch Was m y Boy— (whofe eyes could never weep
But for his neighbour’s woes) now fwallow’d in the deep;-
Oh ! agonizing pain—-pain never felt before—
' My manly bo-y—my John—my Sailor is no more; |
. Still let me mourn with hope----- and God' adore : J
With hope,- to fée my failor once again
Floating on feas of bli-ls, thro’ thr azure main r
Till then a fliort farewell—my ïovçly boy.
Thy ihipmates darling, and thy father’s joy..
6 Y*t
T t t siie fmaUi fwp to (wtiifo. doomd to -part,
Ppar gall^k yoyth!) thy parent’s broken heart.;, |
No njqre, thy tpjd6?- frame, age,
.Shall the j^pgt tpf ,Of ea^ turb’knt r.we\ ■
tMwaves^ V
Shall pn. the foorn of fonge Jiurdpean' flayes; .
Whole optics, bfrnd'tp';ment, ne’er could lpy
That frerling wofth'coula blobnx Beneath a wefrerri Iky.
No'tfrorei 'my dear— ho "more—(while Juctrwer&Jcar’d}
U n d a u n ’tSd ^Ihalt ‘thou rock u’po'ri'me-yaVcf;
-There,.while the fllver moon gleam’d thrti1 theJgale,
With jfiaply Jkill and courage hagd the lail.
.When Fame, who fcaun’d the value of.her Tar, ,
Did,/rake thee fliine on hoard a rpan-of-war
Witjl honor-*----while, with equal glory fir’dy ;
To -pleafe a parent, ,brother, friend, thou e’er1 afpir’d ;
Till Death—relentlefs Death—none can .vpthfrand,
To tut thy,mile ■— gavfi the^t^&saE -GOAtMAitbulllf
Soar-now, my angel,lo thy Maker’s flirine,
There reap that prize, due to iiich worth as thine.
Fly, gentle fhade— fly to that bleftlabode.
There view thy mother— and adore thy-; ,God r \
There, Oh l my Boy 1------—on that ceieftial Ihore,
OKI may we gladly meet—and part no more:!.! 1
A F A R k N T?i
* Since the above lines were written,
the laft of his commanders, the gallant
Captain John Hutt-, loft his life in the
memorable aftion, fought under Admiral
Lord H owe, againft the French, on the’
I ft of June 1 794.— T h is . officer loved,
my Sailor well; nor was he lefs efteemed.
by Captairi Richard Keates, from whom;
he had the honour- to receive his firft
naval education.