c h a p . “ man he loved better in the world ; that had he com-'
JBQtt ‘f mahded me to -march through fire .as well as water, he
‘flwas convinced I fliould never have left it,wfthout ac-
“ comphfhingthis ordersEjT with many' other finb/Com-
pliments. j But I muft candidly acknowledge;« that though*
I had a/heart mind would never permit
me to forget the many aud ludneceffary difficulties
and miferies to which I had begn too wantonly expofed;:
At the fame time he informed meythat/fo did .ndt pro-
pofe to depart with us, but intended to follow the regiment;
~ very fbon, with the remains of the laft-cdme relief, wiheri
he would rendef me' everyjfeiViee in his po#er. :’ What-'
ever 'were‘ his real motivesifor filch a fudden*change in’
his difpofition towards me, fuffice it to fay, that-,few people
at thisi^tme. ^ei^l^twrfrhfl^^-than were the ©icfc
Colonel Fourgeoud and Captain Stedintinzh
In the evening I went to take a fhort farewell of my
mod valuable • acquaintances, fuch as Mrs..Gffdefrdyi'-Mrl
and Mrs. Demile^i Mr. and Mrs. Lotkens, Mr. and Mrs, £<?/>■
dottf Mr. Gourlayy Captain MkicMtcfl, JZdifcafr 'Wiff&rni i&i:
who had all (befides Mr. Kennedy and Mr. de Grdafj
now gone to Holland) treated me with the moft conftant
and diftinguifhed civility fince I had been in the colony
: but my foul was too full o f ?l friend that wai ftill
dearer, to be impreffed with that fenfibility on feparating
from them, that it muft have felt on another occafion.—f
And here I cannot in juftice omit remarking, that while
I gave the mod impetuous vent to my feelings; not the’
fmalleft expreffion of poignant forrow, or even o f dejection,.
tion, efcaped from Joanna’s lips ;, while her good fenfé
aridj JortJtgÿe,.ejY-^n Teftjained tjiç tear fçom darting in my
aftftéted prpfe'ape.,,, I-^now, pr^cè morp earneftly ' preffed
her. .to. qcÇpmpemyt me», in wlftch î wa^.feconded by the
mçftimablp Mrs. pqdeftoy.jand.all her friends;,but fhe
remained e.miaHyt inflexible, and her Ready anfyver was as.'
before—-^ïhat,,d^e^dful as appeared the fatal réparation,
“ perhaps ne.ver more .to meet, yet fhe could not but
‘4 prefer.,remaimng\itL Surinam.: Jhrft, from à confci-
M opfnejs/that, with, propriety,, fhe had ,npt the ,difpofal
<( o f herfelf ;.^and, fecondlyv from pride, wifhing in lièr
<c prefehtj condition ratlier to be^pihe of the Rri/t among
t( her-own çlafs in America, -than a reflection or burthen,
Ton, rpe in Europe^ as/fhe was convir^ed-, mpft jie. the
“ cafe,f un^T bur cirçuniftânces became oneway* ipore
independent.” , Here Joanna/fheyed gréât etnetlqn,
but immediately retired to weep in private.—-'What could
I fay or do J—Not knowing how to anfwer, orfufficiéntly.
to admire+ îïér ftrmnèfs and refjgnâtionK*whichffa greatly
•exceeded my own, I -determined, if poflible, to imitate
herppnduét, and calmly Jo feftgn myfélf to my fate, preparing
for the fatal moment, when pi y 'heart forebode
me \Ve were to pronounpe the last adieu, and’feparate
for, ever. ,
“ 2àïpe,' il eft trap Vrai que l’honneur me l’ordonrre, * ;
î ” “ Que je ÿousÆprall. qub je g$tojq| abandonne 1 r-
- V Que je renoiice a yous,! que yous le déficer ! ï
?** Que fpu^-pn /
V ol. IL 3 C . ’ - / The