k ffAK fifh ekHedP fome o f which cod,
3 aMwhfchl-fMah afterward# defer ibe. With' t?hefe dainties
I regaled- all- the -officers without -exception/ while I
' leritlfe3h<&pt*F'm tS^’ plan t ain s, Banana's, orange's,
amf lemoWsj/.that wefee ofccaffohally Iterit - m l’%s- prefents*
from the Jmotb and the'plantations in Uppek OfipiewipM*^
and never w^- a’ depn^f-^dvernor mere 'univerihn^5 bd—
1'ovedv Tatroles wefe' alfo daflf -font dot " tri every^uaffter^'
.arid the. ■ dnvif’Onk of -Magdenberg weVd -fo- T^mplCt'Ciy1
IfeoutfeeH, that no 'invafion from the ke'belsie^hffl be^pf&dfri-
cable. Thefe precautions 'Wefb thd'mhrff neeeffaPf,'-W
they had formerly furprifed and i akbffhi5 ff erra different
military pdfts for the fake of ammunition ahid- firfe-artos,
which1 are to theni o f the utmoft value^~and their fei-znre
o f the naoft pernicious corrfequencri edrhe cbldny: Indeed-
fome "polls had not oiffy’ been attacked and plhndereddf
their^ffdfes arid ammunition, but aSfhally mdffMereH1
to a mah.
MortiftM’that i f was not in my power to- take-'a mores-
active part at pretent, I avaifed myfelf o f 'this Teifure, bj^
taking drawings of eVeiy'animal, reptile, or fhrub, that I
thought refold illuftfate my little coHebliori'oF natural Oh-
riofities, which I now began to form fome idea of exhb-
biting to the public,, if it fliould be my fate ever more tod
return to Europe.
One o f my negroes, on the 24th of this month, brought
me two curious in fe r s ; opportunity
of drawing, I will endeavourtofleferibe :—-
Th,e ppp (AvMgh^fe1e|ne.d,r:o,haye fqrqe fmall affinity to the
I'g^aMmpper,I kin,d)j was. what is • „Jjprp*generally called
* fyyMyfe'V?f f i A ~ e5fpotion the, moft lingular
animal F^aw* indifficyfepfonv.. The bqdy „of this furprifing
/cr^ur-c, t lrm ig h ^ ^ ffi^ e i thap^a quill,,\yas npjefs than
-feyeainches.and a.haliyin length,.ipclpd.mg the tail; it
hadhf f i and wMimauhtediike..a fnide.E..nn fjix leg^-
that ‘were a p f i xArichks tpngv: it had?.fpqr,ante nna? ■ pro-
AdMpg^jfrOqi,"ffsu& ad^ tfeo being^ ne^rlyj.fiye:jnches, and
two mqch ffiqrtqr; th^e hea^l was<;fmall,. ,tbe eyes, large,,
black, add. prpminent, lan p the^all afertiqudated like that of
moflffnfeft s : ff^cofour was a browniih. green, and,, upon.
thq;wtole, ipfeemed a.monfter.. This .creature is found
koras, the maj?Jhy _ its^lopg legs appear deffign
eh Jo e n able it to wadjf through the water, hut not to,
fwim (acqqmliqfotp Mr. FarmindaPpinion) for which its.
feet are not .qajcula.ted? .as they terminate jin two . fmall.
claims like|mg|g of fame ,T^evetle.s^ The other was a large;
fly, which Madam Merian, whogivesg drawing,qf it, calls.
thevrelleur^, but which,I have „generally?heard called the:
fcare-JJeefc by ^ the Dutcji», Thefe words being extremely/
applicable, from-the .npife it makes towards the evening,,
which nearly resembles ffip feund effa, cymbal, or that o f
a razor-grinder when at his Work. This remarkable fly,,
whofe grinding noif€> always begins at fun-fet or fix
o’clock, is alfo called theJwfte-lant erne or lantern-bearer^.
from the light it diffufes, after that time, „and which is.
much ffronger jthan that ody any, of the fire-fly fpecies,.
8 , - affording^