bi'tants In the river, whale the white bread, fruit, éncl'
Spanifh wines to help out the fea% I received as a pre-
fent from my very worthy friend,. Mr; James Goudand,
at Berghoven.
On the 13th I ordered down the troops fröm Clarm-
Beeky where ari hofpital had been; a jfeofefitimh erefed,
and they this evening anchored off the Hope.
On the 14th, an officer of: the, Honourable^ Society
troops arrived to relieve me in the command of the river;
and his men from that moment began t© perform the
■ I .now removed my flag from theTIdpe to th e barges £
and in the evening took my laft farewel o f Joanna’s
relations on the Faucortbcrg eftate;! who, crouffingiround
me, ^preffed their forrow aloud Jar [my departure, and
with tears invoked the proteélion of Heaven fpr my fafe
and profperous voyage.
On the 15th we finally left the Hope^ having marched
my troops on board the barges at ten ahd
at noon I fired my piftol as a ligmd to weigh Anchor,
when we immediately proceeded down the River Come--
wina for the roads o f Paramaribo, to be embarked ion
board the tranfport fhips for Europe.
C H A P .
The Wops onBocrd-Again order
■ Con Negro
■ ‘CapM i^^M ^m dbunifid-sicli^feht to Holland—Gene-
' lra£Defcriptjon o f -\h^ Afrimn Negroe^ j
Q N t h e evening of the ijth o f July, we anchored off c h a p .
the eftate Berkflioven, where I fpent the night XXVI-
; afllore %» * r r f™"4 Gourley ; and in the morning w e j | g * h H
• continued to row down the river,- when took my iait
farewei of Mr. Palmer. I pafled .the evening o f the J7th:
With Captain Mac JJgJ; and, on the rSth, the whole'
fie», confining of .my own barges, together with'three
from Magdenberg, and thofé from the River Cottica, ar-
rived fafi at anchor in'the roads of Paramaribo, where
three tranfports lay ready to receive us, on board o f
which veffels-1 immediately embarked all the troops that
This fervice being. accompliffied, I went alhore, and '
made my' report to Colonel Fourgeoud; after which I
went to vifit Joanna and her boy, whom, 'to my great joy •-
I found very much recovered.
The following day 1 was again Tent on board,'to make
the neceffary arrangements for the voyage ; and on the
aóth I dined with Colonel Fourgeoud/ where, to my
VOI4. II. T i r 1 1 furpnze,