pending danger, i f he perfifted in carrying this cruel ©Ian.
in execution. This at leaft had tb e .effe£t-torend the dif-
agyeeable converfationt: when,-dn ;rny turn, laddgd,
permit me farther to in.remembrance p f
te thefe .very troops-you ha,ye juft mentioned, in regard to
«« their truly diftrefted; fituation at -the CaJfezfiore f!re$k\
i5jwhil§ftl>eir fufgeon -is'gaining.;gold patches;and diar
.« mond rings guring falhionable sdifeafes among the
A gentry at Paramaribo.” ~ To which-jhe . replied, ((%„Faus
proimifed tod;ake;||*y-hints
into confideration.
I was now invited Onee'mpre'by Captain -Mackneal to
•fpend, a few days on his coffee eftate," Spppkfgift { but
thóugh I was prevented, on this OGpaftonfrom accepting
thfèiitfvitation,'11 will 'take this opportunity, to defoph®
that ufefift berry/which, hut-being-a’native o f Quian^iit
is faid was^firft: planted in Surinam by; the Count
though!others afcribe it- to oneiHanJpoirp, a ftlver-ftaith,
in 1.720*.. •/.
. T h e : coSee-berry is[the produce. *>£ an elegant- tree,
which, is feldom allowed to grow higher than. a man can
reach, in. order to. facilitate thé gathering f o f it^ i.The
hark of this tree is light brown, and the leaves like laurel,
havingTa beautiful polifti; with thefe it is thickly to-
* In 1554, the coffee-berry firff came troducedin Lpndon ^ a iii in !r728, by
to Conftantinople. from Arabia.— About jifj'fiW Ê M ji* *«* p M s f ;>n ,th«
the middle of the 16th century it was in**1 ifland of Jamaica.