E X P E D I T I O N T O S U R I N A M . r©s
jgf| No force, no firmnefs, tke/rafe c c^ n f foevsisf:
C.3£iK|£ fhiftsJ&is^ifee», life: cetoor comes ?nsi goes, j
•" A feppuig foeat cre^pi; cald aa ev£$y part,
rj;'% Agaiaft be#ts fc^uiyeringshe^rt:
. tferryr in his wild eye-balls flare j . . . . .,..
i'ifr* WitiL .chatterjijg reeth-be ftands, apd.ftiff’jiiog hair,
s '}% And looks a bloodlefs image of deipair.” .«,*
v At teh’o'clock' wc met a fmall party o f the febels, with
bach a;g©ebrl hamper upon his' Back;' f hey:’fired at us,
dropped their' bundles, and taking to their heels' ran
hack towards their village. Theie we fince learned were
tranfporting rice to another fetflemcnt for their Fubfift-
ende, when they lliould be expelled From Gado-Sa&y (the
name o f this fettlemerif)' which they daily !expedited,
fince they ;h%d been difcover ed by the gallant Captain
Meylarid. The green hampers,'which they call warimhos,
pfere very diirioufly^plaited with the" nianicole leaves.
•Arid when^our men cut them open with their fa'bres,
mere burft 'forth the molt beadtlful'uk^ rice that I ever
faw, which was 'leaf ter ed and trampled under foot, as
we had' no opportunity o f carrying'it'along. A little
after this we perceived ah empty fhed, where a picquet
hacTbeen fiat ion ed to give notice'of any danger, but they
had precipitately deferted their pqft.V We new vigorously
redoubled °ur pace till about noon; wheA two more muf-
ket fhot Were fired at us by another, advanced guard o f
the enerhy, as. a fignal tq the chief, Bonify.,, df our approach.
Major Medler arid myTelf, with a few o f the.
Y ol. II. P van-
ill ; i !